Wednesday, August 18, 2021

More Of The Same ???

In the wake of the Afghanistan debacle, you've probably seen a few predictions like this one:

Former US intelligence colleagues are angry and deeply worried at what has happened in Afghanistan.

Here's what I'm hearing, and why there's nearly universal belief that America and the world are in for one of the most dangerous, unpredictable times in modern history.

Source -

Another OMG the sky is falling moment. And what should we do in response? More spying, more military spending, more coercive measures. Let's get those evil Russkies, Chinese, and Iranians, and the sooner the better.

Have you ever seen this quote, which often is attributed to Albert Einstein?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

If there ever was a situation to which it applied, the combined economic, military and foreign policy of the United States is it.

We are NOT going to solve the world's problems, or even OUR problems, by creating another terror scare and wasting more trillion$ on an expanded crusade of paranoia. Of that I am certain. Haven't we proven that over and over again?

What should we do differently? How about trying peace? How about true friendship? How about cooperation? Would it hurt to admit we screwed up? Would it kill us to live up to the endless promises we made to make the world a better place?

A few people would be disappointed in such a sea change - the bankers, the arms dealers, the dumbass generals and admirals who don't even know how to win a war, the surveillance industry (CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) which has been continually lying to us since 1947. Guess what? All those people are PARASITES who have been sucking the lifeblood from the body of our nation for NOTHING, except their personal enrichment.

So YES, we are in for one of the most dangerous, unpredictable times in modern history. But if we react to it in the way we have been since the end of WWII, we'e going to get what we've always gotten - more wars, more deaths, more squandering of resources.

TPTB keep telling us "change is good". Well, it's time for REAL change. Turn them into "the powers that used to be", return the power to the people, and create a true brotherhood of nations.

Or someday soon we'll wake up on a desolated planet to spend our final years lamenting what used to be and what might have been.

1 comment:

  1. Here is additional discussion:
