Monday, June 6, 2016

People WILL Die Because Of Hillary's Emails

Former SOS Madeleine Albright is excusing the apparent crimes of one of her successors by saying that "nobody is going to die" because of them. You can read about her pack of lies here:

For a fact-filled discussion of why she is wrong, please read this essay by Professor James Petras:

Many of Clinton’s leading critics, among them two dozen former CIA agents, have presented a myth that Hillary’s main offence is her ‘carelessness’ in handling official documents and her deliberate deceptions and lies to the government.

These critics have trivialized, personalized and moralized what is really deliberate, highly politicized state behavior. Mme. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not ‘careless in managing an insecure mail server’. If Clinton was engaged in political liaison with foreign officials she deliberately used a private email server to avoid political detection by security elements within the US government. She lied to the US government on the use and destruction of official state documents because the documents were political exchanges between a traitor and its host.

The 22 top secret reports on ‘Special Access Programs’ which Clinton handled via her private computer provided foreign governments with the names and dates of US operatives and proxies; allowed for counter-responses inflicting losses of billions of dollars in program damages and possibly lost lives.

You can read the rest @

The excusing of Hillary's apparent treason by the US government and much of the US public demonstrates the validity of the following saying:

Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

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