Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Irony Of Ken Starr's Dilemma

Former special prosecutor Kenneth Starr apparently will be fired for mishandling sexual assualt and rape allegations at Baylor University:

He was a leading cast member in that seemingly distant drama of Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky and the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Now Kenneth Starr, bête noire of liberals in America, is making a comeback, though not entirely of his choosing.

Starr, the president of Baylor University in Waco, Texas, is facing mounting pressure over how the university has handled reports of rape and assault by football players. The university says its governing board is still studying the results of an internal investigation and has refused to confirm speculation that Starr will be ousted.

You can read the rest @

Starr clearly also mishandled his investigation of sexual assault and rape allegations against Bill Clinton. Had he done a better job then, the scourge of Bill and Hill would have been defanged long ago.

Ken, if anyone deserves to rot in political hell, it's you.

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