Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Is Chi-Raq Under Attack ???

The natives of Chicago are getting restless:

"A group of military helicopters just flew by my house towards downtown Chicago from the southwest. It’s the third or fourth time in the last couple weeks, and I had never previously noticed any in the decade of living here. Maybe they are running drills for an upcoming 'event'. Nothing more to say at the moment, just want to put this out there. Stay vigilant."

You can read the rest @

A while back there was a rumor that Chicago was going to be nuked. You can read about it here:


... and here:


Seeing as how Chicago is broke and hopelessly out of control, it makes sense the powers that be would consider allowing someone to nuke the town to "solve" its woes and to give themselves the ultimate political tool - indefinite martial law.

And the fact that Rahm Emanuel (an Israeli citizen) is mayor of the city makes me worry even more. His successful "management" of such a crisis would make him a shoo-in for a future White House bid, which has been his goal all along.

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