Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Biggest Crisis In Human History ???

Perhaps I have said it too many times, but the sky is about to fall. Here's additional confirmation:

How many “emergency” “secret” meetings do the central planners around the world need to have before the citizens of the respective countries begin to fully understand and take notice that something is very, very wrong? This year alone there have been several off-calendar meetings with, at least, one more now added to the docket.

The G-20 central planners have scheduled an “emergency” meeting for summer 2016. What will the topics be? Could it possibly be the fact the global economy is on the verge of total collapse? With the Baltic Dry Index, Shanghai Containerized Freight Index, not to mention commodities, all spiraling out of control to the downside, do you think there may be a reason for these people to be concerned? My guess is they could care less and are simply meeting in order to determine how the remaining wealth, in their respective countries, will be divided as the global economy continues grinding to a halt.

If one simply looks at the following line-items, it is clear for anyone to see something is about to hit the fan and it’s not anything anyone wants hitting the fan.

You can read the rest and find the line-items @

Here is something I don't get - I would have thought that the situation following WWII was the biggest crisis in world history. Tens of millions killed, cities and factories smashed, food stocks destroyed, etc. - and yet we collectively persevered and solved the related problems. Why is today any different?

I suspect that the powers that be want even MORE wealth and power from themselves, so they continually frame our situation in increasingly dire terms so that we will beg them to rescue us by any means they see fit.

Only they won't be rescuing anyone except themselves. If you think otherwise, I feel sorry for you and yours.

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