Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Trojan Horse Presidency

Here is an election day observation from Dmitri Orlov:

Statistics show that there is zero correlation between public preferences and public policy decisions but a strong correlation between business lobby group preferences and pubic policy decisions. Thus the US is not a democracy (rule by the people) but an oligopoly (rule by business groups).

You can read the rest @


A popular characterization of our president is "The Manchurian Candidate", although I prefer "The Fascist President". Last century there were three faces of fascism (French, Italian, German), but the one closest to our system of government was this one:

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

Although Trump and the Republicans are called fascists on a daily basis, it is the Democrats who are turning corporatism into an art form.

Elections do matter, but it is up to We the People to ensure the elected keep their promises. And that's going to be VERY hard to do, since our enemies have FAR more money than we do.

And in spite of their rhetoric, the LAST thing they want to happen is for real democracy to break out anywhere in the world.

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