Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Border Crisis CANNOT Be Fixed

The on-going crisis at our southern border cannot be fixed.

Apparently the "border czar" knows this:

And VP Harris appears to have given up before she even started:

President Biden is urging corporations to help "fix" the problem:

What these liars and dumbasses refuse to admit is that the US government caused the crisis and has NO INTENTION of fixing it.

The US created the Washington Consensus, and the US pushed through NAFTA and the WTO, all of which helped DESTROY the economies of Mexico and the rest of Latin America. Drug trafficking for the benefit of US addicts and bankers has turned parts of Mexico into a living hell. And much of the associated violence is committed using weapons supplied by the US (some via Operation Fast and Furious). Why is it a surprise that our southern neighbors want to escape all this, or that they have nowhere else to go?

The whole stinking mess is OUR tar baby, and it CANNOT and WILL NOT be fixed because the US is not going to address its root causes, many of which I have outlined above.

So please stop the lying and the BS. The so-called Biden administration and the Pelosi-Schumer congress are going to DESTROY the USA. We'd be better off talking about that and deciding what we're going to do about it. Focusing on the narrow border issue is going to get us nowhere.

Update - 4/11/2021

According to this report, VP Harris is focusing on the root causes of our border crisis:

I'd bet money it's not the root causes I listed above.

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