Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Looking Back At Afghanistan

Here is an interview with a veteran of the US war in Afghanistan:


I think his closing statements are the most revealing:

"If we continue to support them diplomatically and economically, they have a chance, but in the same way that the USSR supported their communist administration in Kabul for I think two or three years before the USSR fell apart. It held on. It wasn't doing great, but it was doing okay. I think we can achieve that.

"If we can’t, then that’s the most damning indictment possible of everything that we did there, including the things that I did there that I thought were good, and was doing for the right reasons. It means that all of that was just pissing in the wind. The next time we do this, I hope we’ll keep that in mind and do it better, or not at all."

It's possible the same thing will happen to us that happened to the USSR - we're falling apart, too. And in large part (financially at least) it's because of our forever wars which apparently had no achievable goals.

You can find further discussion of the issue here:


I agree with Patrick Martin that what we did to Afghanistan was and is a crime. They had NOTHING to do with 9/11. They allegedly harbored Osama bin Laden, but only because the US could not (and still cannot) provide any evidence to justify his extradition.

But the joke is on us (if you want to call it that) - like the USSR, we very well might fall apart. Yeah, we killed a lot of people, but what else did we accomplish? According to Adrian Bonenberger not much.

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