Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Is This Our Arab Spring ???

If you recall, the Arab Spring began with the self-immolation of a Tunisian man named Mohamed Bouazizi. You can read about him here:

Protests which arose in the wake of his death lead to the overthrow of some regimes and other political reforms. You can read about them here:

Is the killing by police of George Floyd and subsequent protests and riots across the US comparable to the Arab Spring?

Some say yes, but keep in mind the Arab Spring was followed by the Arab Winter:

And the most interesting comparison between the two might be the role of the US government. Some say the collapse of the governments of Libya and Syria was brought about by the Arab Spring itself, but a more realistic appraisal of the situation would admit that both those nations and their governments were destroyed chiefly by the intervention of the US and its lapdog NATO.

And I would argue that the Antifa/BLM inspired demonstrations (some call them riots) in American cities owe their success to the intentional failure of the US government to take action to suppress them.

Our "Arab Spring" arguably may have served several purposes (e.g., defeating Trump, dividing the US population, promoting the Great Reset, etc.), but strengthening democracy was not one of them. Regardless of its ultimate outcome, the US Spring will result in a US Winter whose chief characteristics are and will continue to be a vast increase in the wealth of the elites, the imposition of an even more powerful surveillance regime, and a massive escalation of government power over every aspect of our lives.

None of this will benefit We the People. Oligarchs, bankgangsters, corporate CEOs, and their accomplices in the one percent and in the disruptor class, on the other hand, will have a field day. For them it will feel like an Indian Summer, while the rest of us will be plunged into a Winter of Discontent.

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