Monday, February 1, 2021

Our Schizophrenic Nation

Have you noticed any of the following?

Many of our children play violent video games all day, but "experts" tell us that's not a problem.

Many people would rather play than work, but then they complain they have no money.

Corporations destroy our jobs, but they call that prosperity.

The people in DC seem to think that war is peace.

The MSM seem to think that ignorance is strength.

Political parties say they love democracy, but they're willing to use totalitarian methods to preserve it.

Oath Keepers are arrested, but oath breakers get reelected.

Bankers think we can get out of debt by printing more money.

Somehow we have to destroy the country in order to save it.

How long can we survive as a nation if contradictions and delusions like this continue unabated?

1 comment:

  1. Here is discussion of a related issue:
