Thursday, March 12, 2015

10 Reasons To Vote Against The ISIS AUMF

From former Rep. Dennis Kucinich:

Here are 10 reasons why Congress should not grant the president authority to use military force against the Islamic State, based on fact, consequences and the U.S. Constitution:

1. ISIS is not a threat to the U.S. homeland.

2. The AUMF disingenuously calls for a “limited” war, while it is written to guarantee a permanent war, thus nullifying the power of the people’s representatives in Congress.

3. The AUMF is a blank check and a fiscal black hole.

4. Regional armies appear to be rising to their own defense; U.S. presence will escalate war.

5. The U.S. could get drawn into a worldwide religious war.

6. ISIS and Al Qaeda are divided. US re-entry into war could unite them.

7. A Solution: Follow ISIS’ money, and shut it down.

8. Another Solution: Cyber response.

9. Endless wars enable Washington to ignore a domestic agenda.

10. The time has come for the U.S. to review the effects of interventionism.

Some of these are reasons why Congress is likely to APPROVE this AUMF, demonstrating that they no longer work for We The People (if they ever did). Dennis and Ron Paul were the last two decent people in the House. We'll never see their like again.

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