Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Is Someone Trying To Destroy US ???

Phyllis Schlafly is complaining about the cost of executive amnesty:

The average American, whose children and grandchildren will end up burdened with this enormous debt, must ask whether someone is trying to destroy America.


Yes Phyllis, someone is. It's a bit like what happened during the Vietnam War. A strange news bulletin appeared in the February 8, 1968 edition of The New York Times:

BENTRE, Feb. 7 (AP) - “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it,” a United States major said today. He was talking about the decision by allied commanders to bomb and shell the town regardless of civilian casualties, to rout the Vietcong.

Although the authenticity of this particular news bulletin has been questioned, its message is of paramount importance to the future of the United States. This is because the core domestic strategy of nearly every President in recent times can be characterized by the following variation of the words in the bulletin:

We have to destroy the country in order to save it.

The current President is no exception. Over fifteen years into one of the worst economic downturns the nation has ever experienced he is still spending the people’s money like a drunken sailor, and the additional debt is more destructive than it is helpful. He and his minions have attacked nearly every social and political institution in the country and sown discord far and wide. This year he has decided to ignore the Congress and rule the nation by executive decree, arguably violating a multitude of laws and the Constitution he has thrice sworn to preserve, protect, and defend. 

Yes, Phyllis - we have to destroy the country in order to save it.

Go figure.

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