Monday, February 2, 2015

More About Measles

A remarkable study reveals that a vaccinated individual not only can become infected with measles, but can spread it to others who are also vaccinated against it - doubly disproving two doses of MMR vaccine is “99% effective,” as widely claimed. 

One of the fundamental errors in thinking about measles vaccine effectiveness is that receipt of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine equates to bona fide immunity against these pathogens. Indeed, it is commonly claimed that receiving two doses of the MMR vaccine is “99 percent effective in preventing measles,” despite a voluminous body of contradictory evidence from epidemiology and clinical experience.

This erroneous thinking has led the public, media and government alike to attribute the origin of measles outbreaks, such as the one recently reported at Disney, to the non-vaccinated,even though 18% of the measles cases occurred in those who had been vaccinated against it – hardly the vaccine’s claimed “99% effective.” The vaccine’s obvious fallibility is also indicated by the fact that that the CDC now requires two doses.

But the problems surrounding the failing MMR vaccine go much deeper. First, they carry profound health risks (over 25 of which we have indexed here: MMR vaccine dangers), including increased autism risk, which a senior CDC scientist confessed his agency covered up. Second, not only does the MMR vaccine fail to consistently confer immunity, but those who have been “immunized” with two doses of MMR vaccine can still transmit the infection to others – a phenomena no one is reporting on in the rush to blame the non- or minimally-vaccinated for the outbreak.

When is the measles bullshit going to stop?

Update: You can find the list of 25 MMR vaccine dangers to which the author refers here:

Note that they all come from peer-reviewed journals, not from Penn and Teller or some MSM talking head who is paid to convey BigMed and BigPharma propaganda.

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