Friday, October 10, 2014

Again The Peace Prize Not For Peace

Here's an essay that's certain to educate few and offend many:

The Nobel Committee insists on awarding the prize to either a leading maker of war or a person who has done some good work in an area other than peace.

The 2014 prize has been awarded to Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzay, which is not a person but two people, and they have not worked for fraternity between nations or the abolition or reduction of standing armies but for the rights of children. 

While good work in other areas can in fact contribute to peace, it is unlikely to do so in the absence of recognition of the goal of peace and of work directly aimed at abolishing war.

But ... the author is spot on. Isn't Nobel Peace Laureate Obama ad-Dajjal the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today? And isn't the EU (also a Nobel Peace Laureate) one of the strongest supporters of his tireless efforts to wage war?

Update: Here's another essay on the subject:

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