Monday, June 19, 2023

From Coal To Nuclear ???

According to this report, most US coal-fired electric plants could be converted to nuclear:

I find that very hard to believe:

  • The nuclear steam supply system would have to match the temperature, pressure, and flow requirements of the existing turbine and its supporting systems;
  • Significant site preparations would be necessary to handle the weight of the new reactor and its supporting systems; and
  • An entirely new site security system would have to be constructed.

Necessary modifications and upgrades may be so extensive that it would be better to just start all over and build new plants from the ground up.

In any case, it would be wise to "mothball" the existing coal plants and keep them as backups to whatever new facilities we construct. Any conversion scheme would preclude that possibility, and in my view be a very foolish thing to do.

Update - 6/21/2023

Here is a related discussion:

Note the report contains mostly unsupported platitudes, with no mention of the costs of this "irreversible" conversion. In the meantime, New Jersey will be depending on power plants in other states to keep the NJ grid up and running.

But what happens when ALL states blow up their fossil fuel power stations before the new green power network (including batteries which will cost trillions of dollars) is ready?

The answer is brownouts and blackouts. And they also may be "irreversible".

Update - 6/30/2023

Here is a report which confirms my suspicions:

I think TPTB know EXACTLY what they're doing, and one of the chief goals of their agenda seems to be weaning us off affordable energy.

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