Monday, May 22, 2023

Abandon The Swamp

Here are some great ideas for the next US President, from Roger Kimball. Apparently he'd like that to be Trump, but most of these would work for RFK, Jr., too:

Here’s a bit of unsolicited advice that I have for the former president should he be elected again: Stay out of Washington as much as you can. Stop the newspapers. Have your mail forwarded.

Washington really is a swamp and it will consume you. And here are a few particular bits of advice:

1) Have the inauguration in Mar-a-Lago.

2) Govern from Florida as much as you can.

3) If you decide to indulge in the theater of the State of the Union Address as it has evolved, deliver it from, say, Kansas.

4) Disband the FBI. We should never have allowed a national police force to come into being.

Move the bits of the government you can’t actually destroy to other parts of the country.

Do these things instantly—the day you take office. The deep state will howl. The bureaucrats will oppose you. The lawyers will sue you. Do it anyway. Act first, deal with the consequences later.

Conduct metaphorical dawn-raids on their people and institutions just as they weaponized the Justice Department against you and your supporters. That would not only be the retribution you seek, it would also be reciprocity. Speed and thoroughness will be of the essence. If you hesitate, if you are half-hearted, you will be lost.

Source -

In the meantime, the GOP should just let Biden take the country into default. The Treasury will pay the bondholders first and then decide which things NOT to pay. This will place our future in Yellen's hands (not a good place to be), but hopefully it will force the administration to stop squandering our money on BS.

"Our" government is destroying this nation. It will take powerful medicine to restore its health.

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