Saturday, September 28, 2019

Our Naive Whistleblowers

Two of our better-known whistleblowers seem to think they'll someday be let off the hook:

Blowing the whistle is only tolerated when it serves the greater purposes of the deep state. Did Chelsea or Reality do such a thing? I don't think so.

And it has largely been forgotten that no one tattled on Obama ad-Dajjal because the leakers on his watch went to jail:

Maybe Trump would have thrived had he done something similar. Or maybe not. Obama ad-Dajjal got away with LOTS of things which got others into trouble.

By the way, according to Harry Truman the CIA was created to keep the president informed about what was happening in the world ... not to help his detractors overthrow the president. Are we really supposed to believe the CIA now has grown a conscience after killing so many people, helping starve so many people, and having told so many lies?

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