Sunday, September 1, 2019

Forgive Us Our Debts

"Debts that can't be paid won't be paid. What always is at issue is just how they won't be paid."
Michael Hudson

Dr. Hudson maintains that throughout history wise rulers have periodically forgiven a large portion of public debt to keep their economies from collapsing. You can read about his findings in the book titled ...and forgive them their debts (see

Additional discussion of this issue can be found here:

You may have noticed that some of our politicians now want to "forgive" some portions of "our" debt. Here are two examples:

Do they really mean it, in the sense they want to help We the People, or are they supporting such measures merely to get elected to the White House? I think the answer can be found by looking at who is funding such candidates - US billionaires. Do billionaires really want our debts to be forgiven? I doubt it:

This development echoes what John Perkins wrote in his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (see The powers that be have always known they can use unpayable debt to take over a nation's economy and further strip away its wealth. That's what they have done globally, and now they are doing it to the USA.

What are some of the ramifications of how "our" debt won't be paid? Here are some possibilities:
  • no more Social Security
  • no more Medicare/Medicaid
  • no more "safety net" of any kind
  • privatization of most government programs
  • privatization of most national parks, wilderness areas, and other publicly owned resources
  • the criminalization of poverty and poor people

Do NOT, however, expect them EVER to cut the military budget. The Pentagon is Wall Street's global enforcement arm, and the rich cannot thrive without the ability to force other countries and peoples to pay "their" debts.

I totally agree with Dr. Hudson and Ellen Brown that some form of "jubilee" is exactly what We the People need to restore balance to our economy. In fact, that's the real meaning of the inscription on the so-called Liberty Bell - DEBT RELIEF:

"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."

(see Leviticus 25:10 -

Isn't it time we stop accepting the notion that liberty means the "right" of the rich to oppress the poor ... and replace it with the realization that perpetual debt is the greatest tyranny of all?

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