Sunday, March 25, 2018

Swiss Armed To The Teeth, But No School Shootings

Switzerland hasn't had a mass shooting since 2001, when a man stormed the local parliament in Zug, killing 14 people and then himself.

The country has about 2 million privately owned guns in a nation of 8.3 million people. In 2016, the country had 47 homicides with firearms. The country's overall murder rate is near zero.

You can read the rest @

The Swiss are patriotic. We are not. We confuse xenophobia with patriotism.

The Swiss are patriarchal. We are not. The US is in the process of destroying its patriarchal structures.

The Swiss have EXCELLENT schools. We do not. We have social engineering factories masquerading as public schools.

The Swiss don't have a massive drug problem. We do, and it's driving our murder rate.

The Swiss have a sound economy. We do not, and it's driving many of our problems.

The Swiss are proud of their culture and want to preserve it. We are not, and do not.

The Swiss are prepared to defend their land. We are not, and we do nothing while the US is overridden and destroyed by a flood of refugees and drugs.

You can take away all the weapons you can find in the US, but it won't solve our basic problems or prevent our ultimate collapse.

Nor will turning our political process over to student radicals and strippers.

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