Sunday, December 13, 2015

King Bibi

Uri Avnery has written a comprehensive assessment of Israeli PM Netanyahu. Here is part of it:

But the real danger of Netanyahu’s reign is his total lack of an answer to Israel’s main problem, its existential question: the 130-year war with the Palestinians, and by extension with the entire Arab and perhaps Muslim world. Bound by his father’s ideology, he is unable even to contemplate giving up an inch of our holy fatherland. (Like many Israelis he does not believe in God, but believes that God has promised us this land. Actually, God was even more generous and promised us all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates.) Some Bantustan-like disconnected enclaves for the Palestinians – why not, as long as we cannot drive them out altogether. But not more. This prevents any effort for peace. It guarantees an apartheid state or a bi-national state with a permanent civil war. Netanyahu knows that very well. He has no illusions. So he has uttered the logical answer: "We shall live forever by the sword". Good Hebrew, terrible statesmanship. Under his rule, Israel will irrevocably slide down the slope towards eventual disaster. The longer his reign, the greater the danger. All in all, Netanyahu is a man without intellectual depths, a political manipulator without real solutions, a man with an imposing front but empty inside.

You can read the rest @

THIS is our friend in the Middle East? Oy Gevalt !!!

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