As of 5 October 2015, a super-secret 12-nation treaty called TPP (The Trans-Pacific Partnership) is set to be signed by the 12 nations, and the terms of this massive international contract will be kept secret until the contract has been in force for four years, at which time the contents might (but won’t necessarily) be revealed. This will be a large new international government that has been negotiated for years by international corporations, and which is now to be rubber-stamped by corrupt politicians on their behalf. Whereas those international corporations know the contract’s terms, the people who elected and are ruled by those politicians don’t, and (for four years, at least) they won’t.
You can read the rest @
How is it possible that a "trade" treaty is so secret that neither We The People nor our Congress can participate in its negotiation or even read what it says?
We The People have been sold out by the President, Congress, Supreme Court, and both major political parties.
The republic is no more.
[Yes, in theory Congress can still vote down TPP, but that's not likely to happen.]
By the way, TPP is representative of what Thomas Paine meant in 1780 by these words in his essay "The American Crisis":
Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but “to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER” and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.
TPP, which will be enforced by our own police, military, and courts for the benefit of oligarchs, bankgangsters, and corporations, will indeed embody the right to bind us in all cases whatsoever.
Don't believe me? Stick around and you'll find out ... but it will take at least four years before it becomes possible to discover how screwed we really are.
Update - For a good discussion about how the living dead (i.e., corporations) think they have the right “to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER”, watch this short video:
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