Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Why Won't US Confirm Israeli Nukes ???

Among the more absurd aspects of U.S. foreign policy is the persistent refusal to confirm that Israel has a nuclear arsenal, even as U.S. officials threaten and even attack other countries for allegedly harboring the intent to build a single bomb, hypocrisy that Sam Husseini dissects.

You can read the rest @

The chief reason the US will not confirm the existence of these weapons is that US law would then require us to B-D-S Israel until they open the program to inspection and conform to international law. The US is never going to do that.

And there is only one reason for this - The Temple must be rebuilt so the Antichrist can declare himself to be G-d in the rebuilt Temple.

Anyone who thinks the "Kingdom of G-d" has nothing to do with US foreign policy is kidding themselves. The Bible motivates everything we do, on the side of good ... and on the side of evil.

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