Monday, July 27, 2015

Sexism Replacing Racism

Liberals signed a petition to address “income inequality” by imposing a 10% “male privilege tax” on all men in the latest Mark Dice ‘man on the street’ video which illustrates how much leftists are divorced from reality.

You can read the rest @

Don't lie to me that anyone really cares about racism or the Confederate flag with THIS kind of shit going on. America will ALWAYS be discriminating against SOMEONE. It's how the government keeps us under control.

Here's another excerpt from my novella No More Patriots (

The Campaign for Global Peace and Harmony invites you to bring your children to the National Mall during Honor America Days to hear We The People encourage them to denounce the new traitors and pledge the new loyalties.

Desired transformation: A people who were once loyal beyond measure will now betray themselves and each other as if it were a virtue.

Rationale: The very best way to control a population is to divide it into recognizable groups and then to use fear, distrust, and envy to induce the groups to attack each other (this is the so-called Willie Lynch method to control slaves).

& & & & & & & &

America is the land of fear, distrust, and envy. If Hillary (Tricky Dick) Rodham is elected President, it will be like Willie Lynch on steroids.

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