Tuesday, July 14, 2015

NAACP = The Taliban ???

According to this report, the NAACP wants to remove the sculpture from Georgia's Stone Mountain:

Hmmm ... this somewhat reminds me of the Taliban destroying the Buddha statues at Bamiyan:

Here is another excerpt from my novella No More Patriots:

The time has come for the patriotic and religious extremism of the American cargo cult to be swept into the dustbin of history and forgotten. Its continued existence serves no useful purpose, and it poses too great a threat to homeland security and to world order. New icons and beliefs must take its place, and Americans must no longer look upon themselves as exceptional or their nation as indispensable. Like the rest of humanity, they shall take their place among the nations and be ruled with a rod of iron.

Just as the original Founders of the United States provided legends (or “delusions”) to justify their values and actions to the common people, we as the New Founders will provide new delusions to justify our desired values and our impending actions. Few Americans critically examined the validity of the original Founders’ legends, and it is expected that few if any will examine the new ones we will provide. Together we shall reweave the fabric of the national consciousness, and by so doing provide a more compliant population willing to be led into the New World Order.

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Be careful when you destroy icons, unless you really know what you're doing.

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