Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It Begins - Robot Kills Worker

A technician has been killed by a robot at a Volkswagen plant near Kassel, Germany.

A 21 year old external contractor was installing the robot together with a colleague when he was struck in the chest by the robot and pressed against a metal plate. He later died of his injuries, reports Chris Bryant, the FT's Frankfurt correspondent.

Prosecutors have opened an investigation into how the accident occurred.

You can read the rest @

It appears that this robot did not intend to kill this man, but how much longer will we be able to say that?

Here is a report that an AI was getting "testy" with its programmers:

Although the significance of this report has been downplayed by some, if we give robots human emotions (or allow them to achieve them) won't they start acting like us? We are a very violent and bloodthirsty species after all.

And once autonomous battlefield robots are released into the world, I think all bets are off.

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