Wednesday, July 8, 2015

15 Questions About Charleston Shooting

(1) Why do the family members interviewed ... show [so] little sorrow and emotion just one day after the incident?

(2) Why is [a] family member repeating the same lines in two different media interviews, as if scripted?

(3) Why is the U.S. government giving $29 million to the families? People die in shootings every day, and the government doesn’t give them a nickel. Some are asking if this could be actor reimbursement.

(4) Why was the church already re-opened for services on Sunday? Isn’t cleanup from a bloody massacre a time-consuming process? And isn’t this a crime scene?

(5) Why was only one person reported wounded?

(6) As with Charlie Hebdo, there are no pictures whatsoever of bodies or carnage. Is this from good taste and respect for the victims, or possibly because the incident differs from what we were told?

(7) Why did the media already have such a detailed profile of Dylann Roof, including sound bites from a relative, just hours after his arrest? [Reminds one of Lee Harvey Oswald - from no knowledge to full knowledge in mere hours.]

(8) Is it only a coincidence that the Department of Homeland Security had an “Active Shooter Threat Training Program” scheduled for Charleston at the very time of the shooting?

(9) Although Roof’s Facebook page has been removed from the Web, why does the Wayback Machine show it was created only days before the shooting?

(10) Is it possible that Roof, as some believe, is actually John Christian Graas, who was a child actor in the 1990s (Kindergarten Cop; Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman) and who was in the United States Marine Corps in 2010 according to his IMDB biography?

(11) Is it a coincidence that the incident occurred as Jade Helm is getting under way, an event that many believe is intended to transition America into martial law, and which mandates that Special Ops forces infiltrate local communities disguised as civilians?

(12) Is it only coincidence that “Mother” Emanuel A.M.E. Church has long ties to Freemasonry and that Charleston is an historic center of Freemasonry?

(13) Is it only coincidence that South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union before the Civil War, and thus Charleston symbolizes the Confederate flag now being targeted for banning?

(14) Is it only coincidence that this event distracted public attention from the critical TPP Fast-Track vote occurring in Congress on the same day?

(15) Is the incident actually a psy-op intended to conveniently push several agendas:

  • Advance gun control and ultimately repeal of the Second Amendment?
  • Generate the racial tensions already fanned by the media-hyped Zimmerman case and the George Soros-funded rioting in Ferguson and Baltimore which followed police shootings of Afro-Americans?
  • Shut down Internet sites and freedom of speech, which is being touted as responsible for actions such as Roof’s?
  • Start reclassifying American citizens as “terrorists” to pave the way for detaining them without trial?
  • Ban the Confederate flag, degraded in the media as simply racist, but actually a symbol of state resistance to the federal government?
  • Enhance the President’s ratings in polls by having him deliver the slain pastor’s eulogy?

You can read the rest @

Like the author, I have no personal knowledge of what happened in Charleston. But also like the author, I would be amazed to learn that the official story was accurate.

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