Monday, October 13, 2014

Our Do-Nothing Leaders

Here is an essay which provides much food for thought about where the world is headed:

But for the time being, it is easier to avoid doing anything. The rich can enjoy their Great Gatsby lifestyles. Multinational corporations can strip poor countries of their commodities and pay their taxes elsewhere, if at all. Living standards can continue to be squeezed. Debt levels can continue to rise.

Only a real scare, as with Ebola, will lead to meaningful action. Until then, though, the Fund can sit behind its Maginot Line and Field Marshal Osborne can play his war games. But be in no doubt: our chancellor is less Monty in the desert than Neville Chamberlain declaring peace in our time.

The world's "leaders" did nothing to address the financial crisis, and now we are at the edge of a precipice. Considering how clueless they have been up to this point, what will happen when the real shit hits the fan?

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