Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ukraine Is Another Iraq

If you will recall, the chief reason Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 was that Kuwait (with assistance from US oil companies) was stealing oil from the Iraqi Rumaila oil field.

Now Ukraine (apparently with assistance from CIA and on advice from the US State Department) seems to be stealing natural gas from Russia:

Is this another prelude to an unnecessary huge war? That would be my guess.

And note well that in both cases the US either was or encouraged the aggressor.

What exactly do We The People get from this crap?

Update: The "better Ukrainians" (the ones who help America kill other Ukrainians) are turning their natural gas system over to the West. Stand by for some "reverse flow" shenanigans, a complete gas cutoff, and a big escalation in this particular row:

Continually demanding unconditional surrender is not "diplomacy". What are we going to do when the entire world becomes an "anti-dollar" bloc?

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