Saturday, May 9, 2015

No Accountability

The US State Department, via spokesman Jeff Rathke, told reporters that while it "regrets" that it did not get to review the new foreign government funding, it does not plan to look into the matter further, spokesman Jeff Rathke said on Thursday.

"The State Department has not and does not intend to initiate a formal review or to make a retroactive judgment about items that were not submitted during Secretary Clinton's tenure," Rathke told reporters.

And while the objective, unbiased media would have been up in arms had this gross abuse of government privileges and clear pandering to foreign interests occurred under a Republican candidate, there has been barely a peep from said media as far as Hillary's involvement is concerned.

One person, however, did speak up: that was AP's Matt Lee who asked why the State Department wouldn't investigate further to determine if the tens of millions of dollars in donations had influenced her, and thus the US State Department's, decisions in the 2011-2013 period.

Rathke's response: there is no evidence that these donations to the Clinton charities had any effect on Clinton's decisions. “We’re not going to make a retroactive review on these cases and we will not make a retroactive judgment,” he said.

Of course, the circular logic involved is so twisted even hardened, conflicted government apparatchiks would not fail to recognize that there is no way to make a determination if said previously undisclosed donations had influenced her decisions without a further inquiry, an inquiry the State Department refuses to make because it assumes that it would find nothing.

Government officials and other big shots are not above the law, but this kind of shit lets them off the hook just about every time.

I don't want another un-indicted criminal for President, do you?

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