Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Exactly What Is "Organized Criminal Activity" ???

The following has been alleged about the recent biker shootout in Waco, TX:

More than 170 people who probably witnessed the melee have been arrested and are unavailable for interview. They are each being held in lieu of $1-million bond, charged with engaging in organized criminal activity.

[emphasis added]


The following has been alleged about what the US was doing in Benghazi:

The US was in fact running guns from Benghazi to Syria when the annex and consulate were attacked.


Isn't gunrunning an "organized criminal activity", or is it now considered "US foreign policy"?

Arms trafficking, also known as gunrunning, is the illegal trafficking or smuggling of contraband weapons or ammunition.


If this particular instance of gunrunning was "legal", then why did it have to be done in secret? Why did our SOS apparently lie about it? And why was the bullshit story about a Muhammad movie concocted as a cover for it?

Is "our" government little more than a shield for organized criminal activities, which somehow are rendered "legal" because they are sanctioned by various government agencies? It sure looks that way to me.

Update: Here's a discussion of why they covered it up -


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