Monday, May 18, 2015

Humans Not Capable Of Managing Earth

We are not capable of "managing" this planet. Here is a prime example of how and why we fail at such a task:

Tule elk, an indigenous California breed rescued from the brink of extinction 140 years ago, graze on one side of a wire fence, while dairy cows feed on the other side here at Point Reyes National Seashore, about 30 miles north of San Francisco.

The wild elk and the domesticated cattle appear to share the breathtaking oceanfront bluff harmoniously. But a survey by the National Park Service revealed that 250 of the elk living in a penned-off reserve — nearly half the herd that was re-established in Point Reyes in 1978 — had died between December 2012 and December 2014, most likely from drought-related starvation and thirst. The elk live in a 2,600-acre enclosure at the northern tip of the peninsula.

During the same period, two free-roaming elk herds on the south end of the peninsula, outside the reserve, grew in number from 160 to 212. Ranchers complain that these elk trample their fences, feed on drought-limited forage and drink precious water meant for milk cows.

Walls and fences kill living things. All creatures exist in harmony with their environment. When stupid humans fence them in (or out), they die.

We have no idea what they need to survive, they do. Let them trample the farms - they have as much right to the land and water as we do. Maybe more, since they were here first.

We can't even "manage" ourselves with compassion:

We may be a doomed species. Hopefully we will not kill the rest of this planet before we kill ourselves.

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