Saturday, May 16, 2015

Death Of The Free Press

The Queen of England will announce the introduction of draconian laws shortly. In the UK, citizens should not be judged on whether they comply with the law, but whether they meet a certain set of values. Press products should therefore be allowed in future only after approval by the police. With the new laws is a dangerous development in the EU continues.

[You may have to translate from the original German to read this report.]

The same thing is happening in the US and the other "Five Eyes" countries.

Allow me to point out that most if not all of the real damage to the US economy, infrastructure, and reputation since 9/11 has been as a result of the actions of bankgangsters, corporations, and their collaborators in the one percent. It has nothing to do with any excesses of freedom of speech and/or freedom of the press on the part of We The People.

Killing the freedoms of speech and press is not going to fix any of that, especially because that particular group (i.e., the oligarchs and their collaborators) will retain their freedom of speech and action.

But that's the whole idea, right? Freedom for them but not for us.


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