Thursday, November 6, 2014

Animals Are Not Stupid

Here is a report of an experiment in which crows demonstrated an understanding of physics superior to that of six-year-old children:

In a recent study crows performed better than six-year-old children in a complex test. Researchers studied in a series of experiments how well the animals understood water displacement.

A fable of the Greek poet Aesop was used as the basis for an experiment to find out how smart crows are. In the fable "The Crow and the Water Jug" the bird was thirsty, but could not reach the level of the water in a jug. The crow then collected small stones, which she threw one after another into the pitcher until the water had risen far enough so that she could drink it.

This principle of water displacement is usually understood by children between seven and ten years of age. Crows could thus be smarter than your average six-year-old kid.

[You may have to translate from the original German to read the full report.]

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