Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Bank Bail-Ins Will Steal Your Money

Here is a revealing report about the possibility of US bank "bail-ins":


In case you have not heard of bail-ins before, here is a good description:


Substitute the word "depositors" for "creditors" and you'll get the picture.

Now you might believe that the FDIC will protect you from such a thing, but let me assure you that we're one executive order away from dispelling that fantasy, and some say the authority to take your money already is in place.

Face it, Uncle Sam is broke. When the next big crash comes, the bankgangsters intend to take your money directly instead of routing their criminality through the Treasury Department. Realistically, the bankgangsters have already stolen all of our money and lost it in the derivatives market. The bail-ins will just finalize transactions which have already taken place.

By the way, why was an Israeli appointed to the No. 2 spot in the US Federal Reserve System? Haven't they stolen enough from us already?

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