Sunday, July 6, 2014

You Are Not Free To Believe What You Want

Take a look at this gobbledygook in The New York Times:

Somebody (perhaps a "coercive utopian") is trying very hard to make you believe in global warming / climate change / climate disruption. Perhaps it's because they love you (unlikely), or because they love the earth (hard for me to believe), or because they think you are an idiot (that's usually the tone of what they write).

So, let's get a few things straight:

  • If you don't believe in climate change, you are by definition an idiot.
  • If you don't believe the government's official conspiracy theory of 9/11, you are by definition a conspiracy nut job (which is equivalent to being an idiot).
  • If you have real religious or patriotic beliefs, you are by definition an extremist (which is worse than being an idiot, and almost the equivalent of being a terrorist).

Realistically, so-called multi-national corporations pose a far greater threat to the health of all life on this planet and to the stability of our nation than do real people. So ... why aren't Obama ad-Dajjal and his minions (e.g., Eric Holder and Cass Sunstein) going after them?

You guessed it: this is not about saving the planet, it's all about control ... of you and what used to be your resources and opportunities.

But if you believe that, you must be an idiot. So stop it, and start believing what you're told.

By the way, please ignore this report which apparently suggests that either the so-called climate change "data" or the computer models (and perhaps both) are complete bullshit:

It's far more important that you believe what der Führer (Obama ad-Dajjal) is telling you, because you certainly would not want to lose faith in him.

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