Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What Turkey Tells Us About USA

The term "Deep State" actually started in Turkey:

The term “Deep State” was coined in Turkey and is said to be a system composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services, military, security, judiciary and organized crime. In British author John le Carré’s latest novel, A Delicate Truth, a character describes the Deep State as “… the ever-expanding circle of non-governmental insiders from banking, industry and commerce who were cleared for highly classified information denied to large swathes of Whitehall and Westminster.”  I use the term to mean a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process.

Here is a report about PM Ergodan's battle against what it calls the "parallel state" which is trying to overthrow him:


Some believe that Obama ad-Dajjal has been fighting the US Deep State and that there may even have been coup attempts against him:


In spite of this, I believe that Obama ad-Dajjal is a creation and a willing tool of the US Deep State. He's doing their bidding, including helping them to root out from the military any remaining "patriotic" officers. The Deep State has given him the freedom to mess with the rest of us as long as he leaves them alone.

That's why they can have secrets but we no longer can.

That's why he can ignore the Constitution and the laws passed by Congress but not be impeached.

That's why he can murder US citizens and get away with it.

Believe whatever you want, but We The People are no longer even remotely in charge of what happens in this country. There's been a coup, all right, and the Deep State now rules.

If you want to know more, read this revealing essay on the Moyers & Company website:

The Deep State is the big story of our time. It is the red thread that runs through the war on terrorism, the financialization and deindustrialization of the American economy, the rise of a plutocratic social structure and political dysfunction. Washington is the headquarters of the Deep State, and its time in the sun as a rival to Rome, Constantinople or London may be term-limited by its overweening sense of self-importance and its habit, as Winwood Reade said of Rome, to “live upon its principal till ruin stared it in the face.” “Living upon its principal,” in this case, means that the Deep State has been extracting value from the American people in vampire-like fashion.


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