Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Tyrant Doesn't Like Criticism

Representative Cuellar got a call from the White House because he criticized the President's bizarre behavior and lack of engagement on the border crisis:

[Note the strange URL for this story.]

Obama ad-Dajjal is going to screw this country and then act like nothing is going on. And since Speaker John Boehner has decided against impeachment, nothing helpful will be done.

This is how America kills itself.

Dear Obama ad-Dajjal: Rep. Cuellar represents We The People. If he criticizes you on our behalf, he has our permission to do so, and he does NOT need your approval to do so. You ain't no Abraham Lincoln, and he ain't no Clement Vallandigham. Why don't you start acting like our President, that is a President for all of us ... and not just a President for left-wing wackos and silly people who think you want to help those kids streaming across the border? Stop being a "community organizer" and start being a President.

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