Monday, July 7, 2014

Google Delusions

It sounds like a dream: Work part-time while maintaining the same standard of living.

Google co-founder Larry Page thinks it should be a reality for everyone.

The tech titan and his co-founder, Sergey Brin, sat down for a rare joint interview that was moderated by fellow billionaire, Vinod Khosta, and posted to YouTube.

The more I hear these guys speak, the more delusional I think they must be.

Let me spell it out for you:
  • Yes, there is more than enough wealth to go around. We really should not have to work to survive.
  • Buckminster Fuller pointed this out long ago, but nobody listened to him, either.
  • Once you lose your job, you will be of absolutely no value to the corporate system which people like Page and Brin represent.
  • And if you are of no value to them, what would be their incentive to feed you?

Now perhaps they really mean that government should feed you, but since corporations like Google are rushing to offshore "their" wealth to avoid taxation governments don't have the money to do so and never will.

So what kind of dope are these guys smoking? And why should sane people listen to them? And more to the point, why should sane people continue to give Google their private information for free so that Google can turn around and sell it to generate more wealth for these three billionaires and their ilk?

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