Monday, April 3, 2023

Small Reactors Everywhere ???

Here is a report about a new company which wants to build small nuclear reactors everywhere:

A good idea? We won't really find out unless and until it happens.

But I have a few questions and comments about the concept:

(1) Good luck with security. It's hard enough keeping large power plants secure, but what happens when there's one on every other block? Who can afford to keep them secure?

(2) What to do with the spent fuel? The US has no plan for fuel recycling or disposal. In fact, billion dollar projects were cancelled due to lack of government support. Will it be stored on site, or transported to a central facility (e.g., somewhere in TX)? Who pays for that?

(3) Who foots the bill for decommissioning them at end of life? Where do the radioactive parts get buried?

(4) Who will operate them? Or will they be controlled by AI? Historically the NRC and Naval Reactors have demanded direct human control of US reactors, and I can't see anyone changing their minds on that issue.

(5) The US has more or less dismantled its nuclear infrastructure. Will it be rebuilt to support these plants, at what cost, and by whom?

This won't be like popping out Teslas at warp speed. Or maybe it will, if they start bursting into flames when you least expect it.

Update - 4/17/2023

Here is additional discussion:

I hope they're kidding. Such data centers DO NOT benefit We the People. They're a key part of the surveillance economy paradigm, and in my view they should be DENIED power. If we're going to have electricity at all, it should NOT be wasted on crap like this.

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