Sunday, April 2, 2023

Clash Of Civilizations

Kevin Barrett discusses the clash of civilizations:

The west’s “civilizational warriors” launched their crusade in 2001 by blowing up the World Trade Center and falsely blaming Muslims in order to wage a permanent war on Islam. Thirty years later, almost 30 million Muslims have been murdered according to Australian expert Gideon Polya, and the historical heartlands of Islam have suffered horrific damage at the hands of invaders and occupiers.

Then in 2014 the western civilizers launched their war on Russia by overthrowing the legitimate Ukrainian government and installing a hybrid neoliberal-Nazi regime. US-occupied Ukraine was armed to the teeth and subjected to homicidal anti-Russian brainwashing, provoking a “civil war”—in reality a war of extermination against the nearly 50% of Ukrainians who are ethnically Russian. After a long series of outrages the US succeeded in provoking a Russian response, which currently serves as the pretext for endless escalations, the endgame of which is the destruction and dismemberment of Russia and the demolition of Russian culture and its central pillar, the Orthodox Christian faith.

Not content to merely go to war with 1.8 billion Muslims and the world’s biggest nuclear power, the Americans, led by neoconservative fanatics, are credibly believed to have attacked China and Iran in late 2019 with the COVID-19 bioweapon. The main geostrategic goal of the covert COVID bio-strike would have been to reduce the gap in growth rates between the US and Chinese economies by forcing China into lockdown mode. The COVID strike and ensuing blowback also triggered a move towards decoupling the US and Chinese economies, a necessary prelude to a US hot war on China.

Source -

Many of you won't believe him, but he makes a lot more sense than the drivel coming out of the White House. Wake up !!! Even if the West "won" this clash, would We the People benefit?

I can't see how.

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