Sunday, April 30, 2023

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Does Congress Want To Stop AI ???

Republicans and Democrats in Congress woke up the other day to do this:

In the name of "protecting future generations from potentially devastating consequences," a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday introduced legislation meant to prevent artificial intelligence from launching nuclear weapons without meaningful human control.

Source -

I really like the "without meaningful human control" part, as if such control would make the decision more palatable.

Somebody must have been watching the Terminator movies, or perhaps that perennial favorite War Games. Or maybe even Colossus: The Forbin Project. (Where can I find a copy of that one?)

Any alleged "thinking" which led to this proposed legislation is fundamentally flawed.

There are (at least) two things humanity should NEVER have done - create nuclear weapons and create AI. And YES, AI already exists and is rapidly being perfected and expanded.

Some of the smartest people in the room realized at the beginning that BOTH of these development efforts would create monsters ... uncontrollable monsters which they NEVER should have unleashed.

But they did it anyway.

AI, especially artificial superintelligence (ASI) which can write its own code and which has direct access to the Internet, CANNOT be controlled. We can kid ourselves like we did with atomic weapons, but the reality is that once such creations are unleashed they will lead to catastrophe.

And we are in the process of unleashing ASI.

If this proposed legislation is all Congress is going to do, we might as well just bend over now and kiss our asses goodbye.

Battery Powered War ???

The Secretary of Energy wants all US military vehicles to be EVs:

You've got to be kidding me. Where did they find these people?

How many charging stations will be on the battlefield? None.

Where will the energy come from to charge their batteries? Almost certainly from fossil fuels.

With nonsensical ideas such as this dominating US government "thinking", and with the headlong rush to send all existing military equipment to Ukraine, where it will be destroyed by Russia, it appears we will soon have an Army which will travel mostly on foot, and perhaps on horseback.

Good luck with that when they start their war with China.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Here We Go Again

Here's an update on the "malaria vaxx" story:

My guess is all this is being done because Africa didn't administer enough of the COVID "vaccines" to satisfy the Davos/WEF beast's death quota.

Dumping Tucker

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has some interesting observations about the firing of Tucker Carlson:

I more or less agree. Whether intentional or not, such things DO criminalize dissent. Freedom of speech and the press no longer exist in the US.

Trans Action

Here are two related articles:

For me they raise two questions:

  • Is the explosion in ASD directly related to the explosion in gender dysphoria?
  • Since apparently NO ONE really understands all the effects of gender transition medication and surgery, how is it possible to say "informed consent" has ever been given?

Just saying.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

WTF ???

Here is a video featuring a whistleblower's account of what the vaxx is doing to people:

Is this true? If it is, what's the motive?

Some will call this a "conspiracy theory", but it seems to be consistent with everything else we're hearing.

By the way, "vaccines" no longer are required to be actual vaccines:

If they don't have those two formerly essential qualities, then what's the point?

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Second Coming Of Bobby

Here is a campaign video from Robert Kennedy, Jr.:

I used to dislike the Kennedys, but he seems to be committed to doing things I would like to see done. None of the other candidates appeal to me at all, chiefly because they appear to be committed to keeping us divided.

I wish him success.


Here is a revealing look at the desertification of Iraq:

In reality, much of what we call "climate change" is driven by growing, developing human populations which are stealing water resources which used to belong to someone else.

So yes, much of it is caused by humanity, but not in the way it is usually portrayed.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Surveillance, Then Crackdown

Here is a revealing report about something NYC plans to do:

Which do you think is more likely?

  • New Yorkers soon will have more and better food choices; or
  • Some nameless bureaucrats soon will be curtailing their food choices.

How Many Are Left ???

Here is a report claiming the human population already is rapidly declining:

Obviously we cannot confirm such claims, but the author brings up an interesting question ... how do we know WHAT the Earth's population really is?

Most of us have "trusted sources" to which we go for such information, but perhaps some just accept what the MSM tells them.

But if we're honest about what the Twitter files have revealed, we've been lied to incessantly for years (if not decades) by our own government, aided by the tech companies which funnel the lies to us via various MSM and ALT media venues.

I think it always will be impossible for most of us to know the Earth's actual population of any species, but those of us who are skeptics feel compelled to ask questions such as these:

  • Why are "official" sources in the US and WHO continuing to force experimental vaccines on everyone when it should be clear they are NOT "safe and effective"?
  • What is the real agenda?
  • Will we someday wake up and realize we're the ones who were "left behind" ... or will we be thankful we dodged one of the most dangerous bullets in history?

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Another Crazy Experiment

Here is a compendium of what its developers think about AI:

What bothers me is how similar the whole thing is to the COVID fiasco.

In both cases, SMART people decided to do things no SANE person would even consider.

And why did they do it? I think it was mostly because "OUR" government gave them lots of money to develop things which are EXTREMELY detrimental to We the People.

If you've got a better explanation, I'd like to hear it.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Pivot To Africa ???

Here is a report about what the US is now attempting in Africa:

In case you cannot read the entire report, here is the summary:

Concluding Thoughts

Putting everything together, the US plans to achieve the following strategic objectives by introducing the narrative that Russia is arming the RSF:

  1. Entice Burhan to extend credence to these claims in exchange for US military support;
  2. Demand that he also rescinds Russia’s naval base rights and cuts off its overflight access to the CAR;
  3. Consider direct support to the SAF on the pretext of commencing an “evacuation operation” in Sudan;
  4. Discredit Russia and the UAE’s African engagement policies by framing both as “destabilizing forces”;
  5. Attempt to provoke a crisis in Russia’s relations with Sudan’s Chadian and Egyptian neighbors;
  6. Exploit the above scenario to assemble a regional coalition for pushing back against Russia in Africa;
  7. Encourage Chad to support a French-backed rebel/terrorist offensive in the Russian-allied CAR;
  8. Plot a copycat proxy war in Russian-allied Mali in order to crush the Kremlin’s influence in the Sahel;
  9. Perfect this new Hybrid War method prior to employing it all across the continent;
  10. And thus turn Africa into the top proxy war battleground of the New Cold War.

The US therefore has many reasons to push this fake news campaign, though it’s unclear whether it’ll ultimately achieve any of its envisaged objectives or not.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Not mentioned is the role of US private armies, Special Forces, and drones in Africa, and nothing is said about our horrific history on that continent.

Also not mentioned is Russian efforts to HELP Africans survive the collateral damage caused by US sanctions over the Special Military Operation in Ukraine:

I think most Africans recognize the US is a liar. Hopefully they will see through these phony "news" stories and recognize who their REAL friends are.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Stifling Innovation

Google's CEO appears to be concerned about the impact of AI:

I think the chief responsibility of all government is to protect citizens from harm and threats to their well-being. But neither governments nor corporations seem to be appropriately concerned about the serious threats posed by AI, including this obvious one:

Every job will be impacted, and most existing jobs will be eliminated. How will people support themselves in an AI-controlled world?

In addition to the actual AI-related threats, we're now forced to deal with claims that government regulation, ANY regulation, "stifles innovation":

This is a rehash of the arguments used to justify the deregulation of most industries in the US, a paradigm which not only enriched the few but gutted existing safeguards which protected consumers and the population in general. How'd THAT work out for you?

And now we're going to let an even more powerful entity decide what's good for us? I say we SHOULD stifle innovation, at least until we understand all of its impacts on those of us who live in the REAL world (i.e., real human beings, not transhuman and/or posthuman beings).

For the vast majority of humanity, promoting "potentially disruptive innovation" is NOT the greatest good. Just the opposite, since it benefits mainly the successful disrupters themselves ... to the detriment of almost everyone else.

Is Rice A Threat ???

According to this report, rice is killing our planet:

Taken together, most food-related plans to "save our planet" boil down to the same thing:

Monday, April 17, 2023


The IMF wants the world to use UMUs:

Meanwhile, everyone except the US and its vassals wants to trade in their national currencies.

It may seem the IMF, which was created by the US after WWII, is trying to maintain US hegemony. But I don't think that's the case. The UMU may indeed be controlled by the IMF, but in the new normal the IMF will be working for the Global Government, not the American people.

Universal ID, Universal Vaccination, Universal Monetary Unit

Global Government is right around the corner, and TPTB will get it done one way or the other - unless they are defeated by the BRICS+, OPEC+, and the Global South.

And believe it or not, such a defeat would probably be a victory for We the People, about whom TPTB don't give a damn.

By the way, the US Constitution gives Congress the authority to control our money:

Article I, Section 8

5. [The Congress shall have Power] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures

Some may argue that adoption of the UMU wouldn't violate this clause, but I maintain the opposite. And at this point in time, it would be an act of treason.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Stealing Land To Fight Climate Change ???

Apparently US banking gangsters and oligarchs think land expropriations should be used to fight climate change: [translation required]

Really? Isn't a form of that already proposed for Holland, which wants to force farmers off their land?

In my view, the chief impact of such a tactic will be to reduce the amount of food produced and thereby cull the human herd.

In other words, these bastards apparently want to starve us. Did you consent to such a thing? I know I didn't.

Are Their Natural Curbs To Fertility ???

Here are two related reports:


Ghana's fertility rate is currently 3.62, comfortably above the replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman. And note that in general, developing nations have higher rates than so-called developed nations.

While no one should be against medical interventions which save lives, isn't it possible that diseases like malaria are a natural curb to the unrestrained growth of the human population?

If the global trend continues, people of the Global South eventually will dominate the planet, at least in numbers. Is Big Pharma actually developing vaccines to save their lives, or to reverse the trend?

And is tampering with poorly understood, natural feedback mechanisms really a good idea?

Update - 4/25/2023

Here is additional discussion:

If 90% are infected but "unaware", that implies they are asymptomatic. Perhaps we should find out why?

Quote For The Day - 4/15/2023

"Nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarianism. The only thing we can do is resist."

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The AI Wave

Everywhere you look, there is a report about AI. It's coming in a massive wave which will overwhelm humanity with artificiality.

We went from cautious optimism to warnings to ELE warnings to pretending it will be the best thing since sliced bread. And now we're apparently even censoring the remaining skeptics:

Artificial intelligence already is demonstrating it can be harmful, and it's just getting started. Be careful the next time your doorbell rings, 'cause it might be a Terminator coming for you.

Friday, April 14, 2023

The Hitler - Biden Nexus

The world's experience with Adolf Hitler contains valuable lessons for today's US.

It starts with Hitler's creation of a totalitarian state, in which he ruled by decree over a population subject to relentless surveillance and threats to their well-being. COVID-19 and the Twitter files have demonstrated that the Biden administration has nearly caught up with the achievements of Hitler, Goebbels, and the Gestapo in that regard, and in some areas has surpassed them. Even more striking is the realization that neither the German people nor US citizens offered much resistance while totalitarian states were being built around them. In fact, many citizens of both nations encouraged their development.

There finally was some whimpering toward the end, but it didn't stop the inevitable. On July 20, 1944, elements of the German officer corps attempted to assassinate Hitler, but what they mainly accomplished was their own demise. On January 6, 2021, a confused mob of US citizens attempted to thwart what they believed to be a stolen election, but what they too accomplished was mostly their own demise. And in both cases, the respective totalitarian states were greatly strengthened in their resolve to crack down on all resisters.

Some today in the US think they're going to "take back" their country through the electoral process. They are deluding themselves. No dictator has EVER voluntarily given up power just because of an election. Whoever is running the US (Biden, Obama, the oligarchs, who knows for certain?) isn't going to, either. And Congress won't be much help - they can't even rein in the military branches and government agencies they fund and are supposed to oversee.

No, the US government may soon go off the rails on a crazy train which is rushing headlong toward a deadly conflict with Russia, China, and Iran. You and I cannot stop that train; we long ago gave up any semblance of control. But as bad as that sounds, perhaps there is a silver lining in those gathering storm clouds.

How was the Hitler regime stopped and Germany brought back to her senses? By being defeated in a world war by a group of nations who banded together against fascist aggression. And sadly, that is what may now happen to us. The rest of the world, long-suffering and tired of America's overbearing ways, may indeed defeat us in the hybrid war which OUR "leaders" so recklessly started.

But if we're fortunate, and I hope we will be, the victors of that war will punish US warmongers and force our nation back to an era of truth, justice, and a new, better American Way. One thing seems certain, nobody here is going to do it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

We Can Thank Joe For This, Too

Here is an interesting unintended (?) consequence of our withdrawal from Afghanistan:

As I wrote 10 years ago, the US had several nefarious reasons for being in Afghanistan, two of which were related to the production and trafficking of illegal drugs:

Don't believe all the crocodile tears about fentanyl. It's just not credible to think the US will EVER stop the flow of drugs into our country. Too many people make too much money from drugs for that to happen.

What Really Happened In East Palestine ???

Ellen Brown voices some suspicions about what just happened in Ohio:

The movie angle is most interesting. Hollywood often works hand in glove with the feds to mold public opinion.

Whatever the case, I agree with Ms. Brown that "net zero" is most likely not reachable. But as I've said before, Biden's thugs are very likely to destroy the ICE industry anyway. That would force us to do something, even if it turned out to be something stupid (which it often does).

Monday, April 10, 2023

Post Mortem, Pre Resurrection

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

In my youth I heard this exclamation and acknowledgement every Easter. Most of the time, it was spoken in Old Church Slavonic:

Xristósŭ voskrése! – Voístinu voskrése!

It's a marvelous, ageless message ... but how well is it accepted today?

Influential people now say humans can live forever, and even attend their own funerals in "new" bodies:

Astute readers will recognize such claims to be a false imitation of the promises contained in the Gospels and Epistles.

But how do the non-astute and non-believers regard such modern claims? Can people REALLY live forever and yet NOT have to follow all those "silly and burdensome rules" Christian churches used to preach?

My personal belief is that Jesus Christ was and is right. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and anyone who rejects Him in favor of the kind of people who brought you the COVID shots is a fool.

True Christianity is far more "safe and effective" than any genetic therapy or transhuman claptrap will ever be.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Pill Vs. The Shot

Here is an interesting claim about the abortion drug mifepristone: 

Medical groups have defended the medication, arguing that studies show it is safer than Tylenol and Viagra and sends fewer people to the emergency room than those drugs.

Source -

Couldn't the same be said about ivermectin? Where were these "medical groups" when THAT drug was effectively banned in spite of the claim it could have been used to save many of the lives lost to SARS-CoV-2?

If we were to tinker with definitions, we could claim that both abortion and the mRNA "vaccines" are forms of state-sanctioned murder. But both are promoted and defended by the government because they accomplish the same purpose ... culling of the human herd.

In spite of claims to the contrary, that is the primary goal of ALL "sustainable" practices.


A good definition of an election:

A good question about elections:

Friday, April 7, 2023


This graphic shows the world's ten largst megaprojects:

Source -

Note only one is in the US.

Our money, however, plays a big part in financing all of them. After all, we stopped manufacturing just about everything and have been importing oil and gas for quite some time. All those dollars leaving the country have turned China and the OPEC+ countries into powerhouses ... and OUR country into a shithole.

By the way, US corporations did this; China and OPEC+ are NOT responsible for our demise.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

New Zealand

Here is a doctor's eyewitness account of how New Zealand was wrecked by the COVIDIAN cult:

And here is how one of the prime movers of that wreckage was rewarded for what they did:

If you think any of this is related to public health or "democracy", you're sadly deluded. This is all about power and privilege, two things which most of us don't enjoy.

Disbanding NATO

Here is a recap of Dr. Ron Paul's 2004 speech recommending disbanding NATO:

And here are similar recent warnings from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

The US either ignores or eliminates anyone who suggests we should promote peace instead of war. The world would be a better place today if we had listened to Dr. Paul and to JFK. But we didn't, and now we're on the verge of catastrophe.

Are you happy now?

The Human Contagion

This short video shows how humanity migrated from Africa to cover most of the globe:

Almost looks like the spread of an infection, doesn't it?

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Retirement Age

This essay seeks to discover the ideal retirement age:

As you may know, 100 million Americans are no longer in the labor force. An unknown number of uncounted immigrants also may be out of work. With an "official" population of 330 million, that means only 2 persons are working for each person who is not.

I think the real question ought not to be "when to retire", but where the money will come from to support those who do.

And since AI is set to put even more of us out of work, this will soon become an issue of critical importance.

But perhaps the solution can be found in this report:

I would not be surprised at all.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Yes, We Have

Here is an accurate description of what we have allowed our country to become:

"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Are you happy now?

Swimming In Lithium

Here is a report from Germany which suggests deep sea mining is an environmentally friendly way to obtain the metals we "need" for the great energy reset:

And here is a report which points out deep sea mining may severely impact the health of our oceans and the creatures which live in them:

And just for shits and giggles, here's another suggesting that autism may be related to the presence of lithium in our drinking water:

It won't do us much good to force an energy conversion if one of the results will be to contaminate our planet with toxic metals, byproducts, and tailings from surface, subsurface, and deep sea mining. This whole "reset" thing needs to be examined before it induces planetary suicide.

Ah, The Injustice

Some reminders from Victor Davis Hanson:

Or, to put it another way: what crime did Trump not do that others did with either impunity or without being arrested? Here is a sample of 20.

1) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by destroying federally subpoenaed emails and devices in order to hide evidence.

2) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by sending classified government communications on her own, through an unsecured home-brewed server.

3) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiring—through three paywalls—a foreign national, who is prohibited from working on presidential campaigns, to compile a dossier to smear her presidential opponent.

4) Trump did not violate federal campaign laws, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiding her payments (as “legal services”) to Christopher Steele through bookkeeping deceptions.

5) Trump did not, as did Bill Clinton, use a crony to search out a high-paying New York job for a paramour in order to influence her testimony before a special counsel.

6) Trump did not, as did Bill Clinton, receive a $500,000 “honorarium” for speaking in Moscow while his wife, our secretary of state, approved a longstanding and lucrative desire of the Kremlin for North American uranium to be sold to a Russian consortium.

7) Trump did not, as did Barack Obama, promise Vladimir Putin that he would be “flexible” on “missile defense” if during his own reelection bid Putin in return would give him “space”. That quid pro quo arrangement led to the U.S. abandonment of key joint missile defense systems with Poland and the Czech Republic, and, reciprocally, less than two years later a Russia invasion, mostly unopposed by the United States, of eastern Ukraine and the Crimea.

8) Trump did not boast publicly, as did Joe Biden, that he used U.S. foreign aid monies as leverage to have the Ukrainian government fire a prosecutor who may have been looking into the Biden family’s efforts to sell influence to corrupt Ukrainian interests.

9) Trump did not, as the Bidens did, set up a family consortium to leverage monies from Ukraine, Russia, and China, on their shared expectations that he might soon run for and be elected president and become compromised. Trump is not mentioned, as is Joe Biden, in family business communications as a recipient of a 10 percent commission on such payoffs.

10) Trump did not, unlike Joe Biden, remove presidential papers—without any authority to declassify them—and leave them scattered and unsecured in a garage and various residences and offices.

11) Trump did not, as did the FBI, wipe clean subpoenaed mobile phone records.

12) Trump did not, as did interim FBI head Andrew McCabe, admittedly lie under oath on four occasions to federal investigators.

13) Trump did not, as did CIA Director John Brennan, admittedly lie on two occasions while under oath to the U.S. Congress.

14) Trump did not, as did Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, admittedly lie on one occasion to the U.S. Congress.

15) Trump did not, as did James Comey, claim amnesia or ignorance 245 times while under oath before the U.S. Congress.

16) Trump did not, as did FBI Director James Comey, summarize a confidential private conversation with a president and then deliberately leak that classified memo to the media for his own agenda of appointing a special counsel to investigate the president—which turned out to be his friend Robert Mueller.

17) Trump did not, as did Robert Mueller, claim ignorance while under oath when asked about the Steele dossier and Fusion GPS, the catalysts for Mueller’s own investigation.

18) Trump did not, as did private citizen and former secretary of state John Kerry, meet clandestinely while out of office with Iranian officials to help them resist  current U.S. policy toward Iran—or what the Boston Globe characterized as “unusual shadow diplomacy” to “apply pressure on the Trump administration from the outside.”

19) Trump did not, as did the FBI and CIA, pay clandestine money to Twitter to monitor and smother news stories deemed unhelpful to their agendas.

20) Trump did not, as did then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, whip up a mob at the doors of the Supreme Court by threatening two sitting justices by name to intimidate them concerning an impending judicial ruling: “I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you.”

Source -

Obviously many people do not give a damn. And what should we think about THEM ???

Your Daddy's US is gone. Welcome to the normalization of injustice.

Good Advice

Here is good advice from CJ Hopkins:

That said, one thing I’m sure about is, if you don’t want to end up eating the bugs and owning nothing and being happy in your AI-monitored 15-minute city while you wait for your social-credit app to update your vaccination record so you can access your CBDC account and make another minimum payment on your ever-deepening credit-card debt, it would probably be a good idea to try to understand what is actually happening.

Source -

Or not. The choice (as always) is yours.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Small Reactors Everywhere ???

Here is a report about a new company which wants to build small nuclear reactors everywhere:

A good idea? We won't really find out unless and until it happens.

But I have a few questions and comments about the concept:

(1) Good luck with security. It's hard enough keeping large power plants secure, but what happens when there's one on every other block? Who can afford to keep them secure?

(2) What to do with the spent fuel? The US has no plan for fuel recycling or disposal. In fact, billion dollar projects were cancelled due to lack of government support. Will it be stored on site, or transported to a central facility (e.g., somewhere in TX)? Who pays for that?

(3) Who foots the bill for decommissioning them at end of life? Where do the radioactive parts get buried?

(4) Who will operate them? Or will they be controlled by AI? Historically the NRC and Naval Reactors have demanded direct human control of US reactors, and I can't see anyone changing their minds on that issue.

(5) The US has more or less dismantled its nuclear infrastructure. Will it be rebuilt to support these plants, at what cost, and by whom?

This won't be like popping out Teslas at warp speed. Or maybe it will, if they start bursting into flames when you least expect it.

Update - 4/17/2023

Here is additional discussion:

I hope they're kidding. Such data centers DO NOT benefit We the People. They're a key part of the surveillance economy paradigm, and in my view they should be DENIED power. If we're going to have electricity at all, it should NOT be wasted on crap like this.

Cows And Pigs

According to this report, cows and pigs will be poisoned with mRNA which ultimately will poison us too:

And it's possible the mRNA will kill the livestock too.

Unless you believe that culling the human herd is a good thing, I can't see how anyone would want to do this. It is tantamount to government sponsored murder.

Africa Knows

Africa knows the truth about the US, and here are two examples of WHAT they know:

You think they'll ever forget? I doubt it.

You think we'll ever admit what we did? I doubt that too.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Clash Of Civilizations

Kevin Barrett discusses the clash of civilizations:

The west’s “civilizational warriors” launched their crusade in 2001 by blowing up the World Trade Center and falsely blaming Muslims in order to wage a permanent war on Islam. Thirty years later, almost 30 million Muslims have been murdered according to Australian expert Gideon Polya, and the historical heartlands of Islam have suffered horrific damage at the hands of invaders and occupiers.

Then in 2014 the western civilizers launched their war on Russia by overthrowing the legitimate Ukrainian government and installing a hybrid neoliberal-Nazi regime. US-occupied Ukraine was armed to the teeth and subjected to homicidal anti-Russian brainwashing, provoking a “civil war”—in reality a war of extermination against the nearly 50% of Ukrainians who are ethnically Russian. After a long series of outrages the US succeeded in provoking a Russian response, which currently serves as the pretext for endless escalations, the endgame of which is the destruction and dismemberment of Russia and the demolition of Russian culture and its central pillar, the Orthodox Christian faith.

Not content to merely go to war with 1.8 billion Muslims and the world’s biggest nuclear power, the Americans, led by neoconservative fanatics, are credibly believed to have attacked China and Iran in late 2019 with the COVID-19 bioweapon. The main geostrategic goal of the covert COVID bio-strike would have been to reduce the gap in growth rates between the US and Chinese economies by forcing China into lockdown mode. The COVID strike and ensuing blowback also triggered a move towards decoupling the US and Chinese economies, a necessary prelude to a US hot war on China.

Source -

Many of you won't believe him, but he makes a lot more sense than the drivel coming out of the White House. Wake up !!! Even if the West "won" this clash, would We the People benefit?

I can't see how.

Virtual Wages For Virtual Jobs

Some thoughts about the ramifications of our "banking crisis":

Most of us today don’t work with nature anymore. We go to offices, sit at desks, take home paychecks, feed our families and pay the bills, and hopefully come away with something at the end of the month to put away into the family nest egg. Yet the basic principle still stands: it is entirely natural for us to store away a portion of the harvest into “savings” and conserve it for the colder seasons.

But the human institution today is no longer harmonious with the natural economy. The money in the paycheck is not as real as the food we harvest and eat. This is because our modern society has been collectively systematized into the abstract. Your savings is no longer grain in a storehouse, nor is it silver in a purse or gold in a vault – it’s a number on the screen of a bank’s website. Refresh the page and it may be gone.

Source -

You can count on it. Those bastards have stolen just about everything else we had, and now they're coming for the rest of the enchilada.

Hopefully you've all planned ahead:

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. - Matthew 6:19-21 KJV

What ... you didn't? Sadly, neither did I.

Moscow Diary

Here are some observations from journalist Pepe Escobar:

In Moscow you feel no crisis. No effects of sanctions. No unemployment. No homeless people in the streets. Minimal inflation. Import substitution in all areas, especially agriculture, has been a resounding success. Supermarkets have everything – and more – compared to the West. There’s an abundance of first-rate restaurants. You can buy a Bentley or a Loro Pianna cashmere coat you can’t even find in Italy. We laughed about it chatting with managers at the TSUM department store.

Source -

Compare that to the mess Biden is turning the US into. Do you still think Putin is going to lose this hybrid war?

By the time of our pending "Vietnam/Afghanistan/Ukraine moment", we'll be enjoying few of the things Russians have in abundance. We will, however, have countless new enemies, who can't wait to witness the final fall of our once great republic empire.

And surprisingly, many of your neighbors apparently feel the same way.