Sunday, July 31, 2022

Inflation Will Continue

A new study claims the "Inflation Reduction Act" will do no such thing:

The first clue should have been that Schumer and Manchin cooked it up in secret. The second should have been that Biden liked it.

You cannot dig yourself out of debt by spending more money you don't have, especially when that spending does not improve productivity.

Dumbasses !!!

Ignorance, Or Hypocrisy ???

Here are two strange reports about Russia:

1. They're stealing gold

As discussed by Professor Michael Hudson, the US actually is one of the world's greatest gold thieves:

The Trump Administration took a major step to drive countries out of the dollar orbit in November 2018, by confiscating nearly $2 billion of Venezuela’s official gold stock held in London. The Bank of England put these reserves at the disposal of Juan Guaidó, the marginal right-wing politician selected by the United States to replace Venezuela’s elected president as head of state. This was defined as being democratic, because the regime change promised to introduce the neoliberal “free market” that is deemed to be the essence of America’s definition of democracy for today’s world.

This gold theft actually was not the first such confiscation. On November 14, 1979, the Carter Administration paralyzed Iran’s bank deposits in New York after the Shah was overthrown. This act blocked Iran from paying its scheduled foreign debt service, forcing it into default. That was viewed as an exceptional one-time action as far as all other financial markets were concerned. But now that the United States is the self-proclaimed “exceptional nation,” such confiscations are becoming a new norm in U.S. diplomacy. Nobody yet knows what happened to Libya’s gold reserves that Muammar Gadafi had intended to be used to back an African alternative to the dollar. And Afghanistan’s gold and other reserves were simply taken by Washington as payment for the cost of “freeing” that country from Russian control by backing the Taliban.

Source -

2. They're forcing their way of life on others

As revealed by numerous sources, the West (and especially the US) has been forcing its way of life on the rest of the world for decades. And we kill them when they refuse.

Wake up and admit what you and your country are doing. Live not by lies.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Do They Hate Us ???

Here are two things which suggest TPTB may hate us. At the very least, they believe we're always part of the problem and never part of the solution:


The Tragedy Of US Diplomacy

Here is a brilliant analysis of US "diplomacy" by Professor Michael Hudson:

I urge you to read the entire piece, but here are two key takeaways:

What is euphemized as U.S.-style democracy is a financial oligarchy privatizing basic infrastructure, health and education. The alternative is what President Biden calls autocracy, a hostile label for governments strong enough to block a global rent-seeking oligarchy from taking control. China is deemed autocratic for providing basic needs at subsidized prices instead of charging whatever the market can bear. Making its mixed economy lower-cost is called “market manipulation,” as if that is a bad thing that was not done by the United States, Germany and every other industrial nation during their economic takeoff in the 19th and early 20th century.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Sanctions against Russian gas make coal "the fuel of the future".

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

If the Davos/WEF beast wins this struggle, we will be in a world of shit. It's difficult to imagine that a world run by Russia and China could be any worse.

Toilet To Tap

Here is an extensive analysis of why western states are experiencing a water crisis:

And here is the partial solution which will be implemented in Los Angeles:

Nowhere in the LA report does it mention whether the new technology is capable of removing viruses and smaller particles from its wastewater feed. Since it has been widely reported that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can be found in such wastewater, I think it's a topic which should be addressed publicly.

I suspect the spike protein will NOT be removed, and that will allow the beast to "vaccinate" everyone, whether they consent or not.

Question everything.

Update - 8/2/2022

Here is additional discussion:

So, perhaps polio also can wind up in our drinking water? Wouldn't that be nice.

NWO Gathering Steam

Please listen carefully to this pronouncement by Dutch PM Rutte:

What he is saying is that the Davos/WEF beast is creating a global fascist government with its HQ in Davos.

AND he is implying that this MUST be done if humanity is to survive.

There are other options, but since the beast has a tight stranglehold on the resources of the West, we're not going to even hear about them ... let alone be given the opportunity to choose one of them instead.

And that really sucks.

Friday, July 29, 2022

A Matter Of Perspective

Here are two collages which illustrate how the "climate change" narrative appears to manipulate the data:

1. Everywhere is warming faster than the rest of the world

2. What's called "cool" yesterday is labeled "hot" today

Those who push such questionable narratives seem to rely on our short attention spans. Is this dishonesty, or ignorance on their part?

I think it's intentional.

Messing With Proteins

According to Google, AI "can now predict the structure of nearly every protein known to science":

Is this good news, or bad?

Look around you. Life and death decisions have been and are being made by computer-enabled meddlers every day. Does it seem to you that any of their manipulations have made our lives better?

In my view, such hubris will lead to genetic tinkering which is likely to cause more harm than good. We already have sufficient evidence from the mRNA "vaccine" fiasco to know this to be true.

Earth Overshoot Day

Yesterday, July 28, 2022 was Earth Overshoot Day:

Source -

This means we must reduce our consumption of resources by at least half, and one way to do that is to reduce Earth's human population by at least half (and perhaps both).

THAT is the big picture, and we ignore it at our peril.

So here's the big question: should we entrust the choice to democratically elected governments (which by the way the UN is not) ... or to self-appointed associations of rich people?

The REAL Barry Soetoro

In this 3 minute video, Judge Joe Brown makes some interesting claims about the person you know as Barack Obama:

I cannot say how much of this is true, but much of it is consistent with what we DO know.

As far as I am concerned, Barry's status as a "natural born Citizen" has never been conclusively proven or disproven. That makes two Democrat "presidents" in a row whose bona fides are HIGHLY questionable.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

REAL Public Health Measures

Here is a wonderful report which explains the various public health measures which led to big declines in mortality from infectious diseases:

Here is one of its key takeaways:

The study went on to explain the things that actually were responsible for a massive decline in mortality:

"water treatment, food safety, organized solid waste disposal, and public education about hygienic practices." Also, "improvements in crowding in US cities" played a major role. Clean water. Safe food. Nutrition. Plumbing. Hygiene. These were the primary reasons mortality declined so precipitously. At least according to the data and published science.

And what are we doing now? Mostly reversing any previous gains:

  • pathogens in our water supply
  • declining food safety
  • widespread poor nutrition and hunger
  • outdated, toxic plumbing systems (e.g., Flint, MI)
  • poor hygiene (e.g., homeless camps)
  • crowding in our cities

Here is an interview of a former president of Greenpeace who thinks there really is a conspiracy to reduce the number of humans on the planet:

"We’re now facing a situation where a huge number of very powerful organizations and elites at an international and at national levels are calling for policies that are basically a suicide pact.

"Basically a death wish of some sort."

Source -

But as we're told over and over again, there are no conspiracies. Is that a credible claim? How else can we explain what is happening?

And with the same organizations and elites now using "climate change" and their war in Ukraine as the rationale for such suicidal policies, how do we fight back?

Here is related discussion:

Line City

Here is a video about the line city being built by the Saudis:

Looks neat, huh? Or is it a prison?

What I'd like to know is how do you keep pandemics from spreading like wildfire in such a community? We've already proven that vaccines don't work.

What The Webb Telescope Reveals

Here is a report about the Webb telescope's revelations so far:

I think it's ultimate revelation will be to validate the steady state theory of the universe. No beginning, no end. How else can you explain why the farthest (oldest) galaxies are "surprisingly complex"?

Just my two cents - big bang is baloney, and so is the band-aid known as inflation.

Update - 07/31/2022

Here is another potential wild goose chase:

So, we cannot detect the vast majority of matter and energy in the universe? Maybe we need a new theory which completely abandons the standard model. Hopefully, the failure to find "dark matter" will stimulate new thinking.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Quote For 7/27/2022

"The Democrats are happy to burn the country to the ground, since they are now officially traitors to the country after 18 months of pure, unadulterated economic and cultural vandalism. They keep telling us it’s all for the greater good … theirs, not yours."

- Tom Luongo

Source -

Vaxx Has 74% Miscarriage Rate

Here is some alarming data regarding the "safety" of the mRNA "vaccines":

If the goal here was to prevent disease, the jabs are ineffective.

However, if the goal was to cull the human herd, I'd say they are turning out to be quite EFFECTIVE.

Ask yourself WHY nearly the ENTIRE global medical community is ignoring the adverse effects of these "vaccines". Are they THAT cowardly, or is something else going on?

My guess is that an elite group of privileged people (including most doctors, who consider themselves entitled to make life and death decisions for the rest of us) has decided to kill billions of humans as a "public health" measure.

If you recall, this is what the Nazi doctors did. And if you also recall, they got the idea from the US.

Starting in 1945, the Nazi doctors were held accountable. Who is going to hold today's fascist doctors accountable, and when? There's a lot of buzz on this topic, but so far nothing which is likely to be effective.

Update - 7/28/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Great speech, but how do we hold the criminals accountable when they appear to hold all the reins of power?

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Who Is Running The World ???

Here is one of the most arrogant statements from our recent past:

"Let’s be clear the future is not just happening, the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world."

Source -

The Davos/WEF beast is a private club, with membership by invitation only. Neither you nor anyone else outside the club voted to authorize the things they're doing to the world. So why are we allowing them free rein?

The morons in charge of the US government (and much of the West) are spending billions of our dollars supporting the Davos/WEF beast's agenda. If we are to survive, we must stop this and tear down the mountains of crap they have erected.

The process will be painful, but it must be done.

Another Gift From Pfizer ???

Here is an odd coincidence:

All those gay men got vaxxed up so they could continue having sex with each other. Perhaps now they're paying the price for making that bad choice.

Will we EVER know the truth about what happened? Not without police investigations, prosecutions, and criminal trials.

Monday, July 25, 2022

I Was Wrong About Odessa, Sort Of

The Russians have admitted attacking the port of Odessa:

However, note well they did not do so to stop grain shipments, but to prevent the US and Ukraine from using the grain shipments as a shield for the delivery of lethal weapons to Ukraine.

This passage from my 2015 book No More Patriots may help put the issue of civilian casualties in perspective:

Nothing justifies the killing of innocent people (by the US) except:

the institution of slavery,

the imposition of economic sanctions,

a woman’s right to choose,

the right to keep and bear arms,

following proper police procedure,

military necessity,

national security,

the doctrine of discovery,

the moral imperative of free trade,

the war on terror,

the gospel of globalization, and

the threat of religious totalitarianism.

Of course, Americans would continue to tell themselves they bore no responsibility for the death and suffering of those whose blood refreshed their Tree of Liberty, because as we were taught from birth:

The dead were not “innocent”, or

The dead were not “people”, or

We didn’t kill them (someone else did, they killed themselves, or they were killed by a concept or an institution).

My advice to Vlad remains the same - ignore the optics and do whatever is necessary to achieve your goals. No matter WHAT you do, the Davos/WEF beast and its supporters in the West will paint you with an evil brush while ignoring or excusing all of THEIR crimes.

We're counting on you to save us, since all "our" leaders have already gone over to the dark side.

Here is a related discussion:

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Pharma Fraud ???

Here is a revealing article about alleged fraud in the realm of Alzheimer's research:

Note the FDA approved the use of a drug which doesn't even work and which comes at a VERY high cost.

It makes you wonder just how much of this research is really based on alleviating suffering and preventing deaths ... and how much stems chiefly from someone's greed.

By the way, it's not clear to me why the US government cannot regulate the cost of pharmaceuticals. Patent rights for new drugs stem from this clause in the US constitution:

Article I, Section 8

8. [The Congress shall have Power] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries

However, I see no reason why THIS clause could not be used to set price caps on such drugs:

Article I, Section 8

3. [The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes

It's certainly possible that much of the research and development of drugs in the US is NOT based on fraud, but the recent nonsense surrounding mRNA "vaccines" and other pharmaceuticals certainly provides food for thought. What the hell are we paying for, and why?

Beer Instead Of Bugs

Apparently Canada is joining the group of suicidal nations which will force their residents to eat bugs instead of meat:

Here is a graphic showing the top export from each US state:

Source -

Note that "brewing dregs" are South Dakota's top export. If we add the dregs of all the other breweries in the US to the mix, we'd have a cheap source of protein which I'm sure would be far more palatable than bug flour.

Who's with me on this? We all could drink more beer and save the planet at the same time.

Ignore The Western BS

According to the West, Russia just attacked one of the ports which could export the grain that Russia just agreed to let go:

To think Russia did this is utter nonsense. Only the sick minds of the Davos/WEF beast would even consider doing such a thing.

Dear Vlad - Ignore the optics and proceed with clearing out the rat's nest NATO placed on your border. Do whatever it takes to achieve the unconditional surrender of the Davos/WEF beast and its minions in the West.

Your survival depends on it, and strangely so does ours.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

State Sponsors Of Terror

Speaker Pelosi is making yet more bonkers pronouncements. Here is one of the latest:

I have been reading Max Blumenthal's book The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump. It is obvious from its pages, as well as from countless news reports over the past few decades, that the US government and its minions are among the greatest (if not THE greatest) state sponsors of terror in the world.

To think otherwise is delusional, but apparently that's how Pelosi, Biden, etc. "think", if that's what we can call it.

Hey Nancy, please visit Taiwan. I'd like to see what the Chinese will do in response. Maybe they'll dump more US Treasuries or (heaven forbid!) speed up their plans to invade the island.

US Kakistocracy

Here is a brilliant, sadly accurate analysis of the US by Karen Kwiatkowski:

It is – as we are seeing with domestic transportation infrastructure and power grid reliability, “explosions” on the nearly empty Hoover Dam, and a massive number of food industry mishaps, among other things –  a sign that the US is, shall we say, changing.

“Revealing” is a better word than “changing.”  Americans, and those who study the United States, are starting to see all the things that are really not there.  We are getting glimpses into the nature of the massive empire, domestic and international, and its fascistic international political leadership – and when we look closer we see it is hollow, inverted, vacant and empty.

We have, as Leonard Read noted, a kakistocracy – government of the worst.  Uncle Joe is not only a great president, he is our ideal president – an incoherent, senile grifter who cannot keep track of his location, his mouth, his history, or what part of the teleprompter screen he is supposed to be reading.

You can read the rest @

If you're not familiar with LTC Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD, here is her bio:

I would rather believe her than most of the swamp creatures now dissing her.

Decline Of The Meat Freezers

Here is a followup to the reports of failed meat freezers:

So if we're no longer going to have meat, what will we be eating? It won't be bugs, since there just aren't enough to go around.

Perhaps this is what will happen:

Friday, July 22, 2022

Nuclear Powered Torpedoes ???

And to demonstrate the US Navy is not the only screwed up force in the world, here's a nutty idea from China:

I really like this part of the report:

The reactor would automatically separate from the torpedo once it is spent and sink to the sea bottom, “activating a safety mechanism to kill the remaining chain reaction.”

“Even if the hull is broken, the interior is filled with water, and the whole body falls into the wet sand on the seabed, the reactor will not have a critical accident. Safety is ensured,” the outlet explained.

So not only will they blow stuff up, they'll also contaminate the seafloor with radioactive debris. Great idea, China.

Dumbasses !!!

Nautical Naughty

Here is a report about sex trafficking in the US Navy:

When you consider all the outright criminality in the US military, it's a wonder we can fight wars at all.

Wait a minute ... we really can't, as the debacles in Afghanistan and Ukraine prove.

You'll Own Nothing

Here is a report about how Blackstone intends to buy up distressed real estate:

Private equity firms are buying up everything. Since most people really own nothing of value except their homes, once they lose those they really will "own nothing".

Are you happy now?

The Truth About Farming

Here is a wonderful interview concerning how the great reset folks are trying to destroy farming: [the actual interview starts @ 2:30 or so]

Note well the comments about IG Farben and Standard Oil. The German Nazis were punished, but the US fascists thrived. Many of our problems stem from the power of corporations, but now they want to blame the people for all that is happening.

What a crock of crap.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Denial Is A Strange Thing

I have been getting comments on Facebook suggesting I'm an idiot for not believing what I can see with my own eyes. Kinda like the gist of this piece:

So if I'm supposed to trust what I can see with my own eyes, then I should no longer support any of the following:

  • the claim that Lee Oswald shot JFK
  • the claim that Sirhan Sirhan shot RFK
  • the claim that jetliners brought down WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7
  • the claim that a jetliner hit the Pentagon on 9/11
  • the claim that mRNA "vaccines" are safe and effective
  • any claims the US is doing just fine
  • any claims that Joe Biden is fit to be President

Will all you haters please make up your minds?

Wuhan Disinformation ???

Here is a hefty serving of red herring from Pete Hoekstra, former US Ambassador to the Netherlands:

There have always been three basic questions:

  1. is it natural or lab created?
  2. if lab created, by whom? and
  3. in either case, who was responsible for the global spread?

In my view, Hoekstra's piece minimizes US involvement while shifting the blame onto China. He provides no convincing evidence to back up his assertions.

The whole thing sounds like just one more "get China" screed. But I do agree with him that we need to nail this down, hopefully before all the witnesses are dead.

But if the US is involved, the chances of that happening are zero. Uncle Sam always lies about his actions.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Holy War

According to this report, Russia is conducting a holy war against the West:

Not so long ago, we were told the Soviets were "godless communists". Fast forward to today, and it is we in the West who are godless fascists.

Putin apparently believes in Christian values, while we in the West embrace things the Bible calls abominations:

Re: "It is the overwhelming consensus among medical experts that gender-affirming care is medically necessary, effective, and safe ..." - It is the overwhelming consensus among medical "experts" that the mRNA vaccines are "safe and effective", while it's becoming the overwhelming consensus of We the People that they are not. Whom do YOU believe on these two issues?

Yes, we all are in a holy war. We always have been. Only this time we are clearly on the wrong side of the right-wrong divide.

What About US Crimes ???

China calls for investigation of US crimes:

They may not matter to you, but such crimes are one of the chief reasons we are losing traction on the international stage. We did this to ourselves, for no tangible benefit.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

What Was, Is, And Might Be

In the linked speech by Professor Michael Hudson, you will find a brilliant analysis of the world's economic trajectory. Here is a sampling:

It was only a decade ago that Senator John McCain and President Barack Obama characterized Russia as merely a gas station with atom bombs. That could now just as well be said of the United States, basing its world economic power on control of the West’s oil trade, while its main export surpluses are agricultural crops and arms. The combination of financial debt leveraging and privatization has made America a high-cost economy, losing its former industrial leadership, much like Britain did. The United States is now attempting to live mainly off financial gains (interest, profits on foreign investment and central bank credit creation to inflate capital gains) instead of creating wealth through its own labor and industry. Its Western allies seek to do the same. They euphemize this U.S.-dominated system as “globalization,” but it is simply a financial form of colonialism – backed with the usual military threat of force and covert “regime change” to prevent countries from withdrawing from the system.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is the catalyst fracturing the world into two opposing spheres with incompatible economic philosophies. China, the country growing most rapidly, treats money and credit as a public utility allocated by government instead of letting the monopoly privilege of credit creation be privatized by banks, leading to them displacing government as economic and social planner. That monetary independence, relying on its own domestic money creation instead of borrowing U.S. electronic dollars, and denominating foreign trade and investment in its own currency instead of in dollars, is seen as an existential threat to America’s control of the global economy.

U.S. neoliberal doctrine calls for history to end by “freeing” the wealthy classes from a government strong enough to prevent the polarization of wealth, and ultimate decline and fall. Imposing trade and financial sanctions against Russia, Iran, Venezuela and other countries that resist U.S. diplomacy, and ultimately military confrontation, is how America intends to “spread democracy” by NATO from Ukraine to the China Sea.

You can read the rest @

I agree with him. And I do NOT believe the neoliberal trajectory is good for anyone except the global elite.

I'm not rooting for Russia and China to "win", but I do want the Davos/WEF beast to lose, wither, and disappear.

What do YOU want?

Update - 7/20/2022

Here is a related discussion:

Monday, July 18, 2022

The End Of Our Species ???

Not content with the possibility of extinction by nuclear war, TPTB appear to have poisoned our DNA via the mRNA phony vaccines:

And in spite of what has been discovered, they STILL want to force people to take this poison.

It's easy to see who will win the Darwin Awards this year - the vaccinated.

Considering how many people have been so poisoned, the big question is "how many will die?" Something tells me it will be a LOT.

Iranian Death Wish ???

Considering that Israel and the US have been seeking a reason to attack Iran for some time, this claim amounts to a death wish:

What are they thinking? Iran is becoming a key player in the new BRICS+, yet another reason the US would like to smash them to bits.

We appear to be drifting toward nuclear war on many fronts. Keep your potassium iodide tablets handy.

Update - 7/20/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Blowing up Iran would make Uncle Sam very happy, but exactly what benefit would We the People derive? None I can think of.

The World Island

Russia and China are establishing control of the "world island". You can read about their efforts here:

I don't think the West has the means to stop them. And once they are firmly in control, with a separate currency, economy, legal system, and military force, it's unlikely anyone will want to ally themselves with us ever again.

The New Seven Sisters

The large corporations which once controlled the world's oil were called "the seven sisters". But now most of the world's oil is controlled by seven national oil companies:

And guess what? Most of them are in countries the US has been messing with for decades. If they decide to cut us off, there is no amount of fracking which could get us out of that mess.

Let's Go Brandon !!!

Massive Loss Of Food

Here is a report about the loss of 60,000 tons of frozen food:

Assuming this is true, there is something very suspicious going on here.

Considering the global situation with food, how can we explain NOT getting more serious about saving what we have?

At this rate, there will be a LOT of people going hungry soon.

Update - 7/20/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Yes, this is really strange. Huge facilities like these should have engineered safeguards to prevent such losses. So what happened?

And none of this food could have been distributed to food banks or otherwise used to feed the poor? Why did it ALL apparently have to be destroyed?

Disgusting !!!

Update - 7/21/2022

Here is more discussion:

It's quite possible these "failures" are due to the precarious state of our industrial base and electrical grids. If so, all were preventable ... but "our" government and corporations let them happen. Whatever the case, I suspect these won't be the last. The US appears to be in terminal decline.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

War Of The Worlds

Here is a very important question from Femi Akomolafe:

Why are Westerners so dumb that they cannot ask where their leaders who can’t find the money to repair their shattered economies, suddenly find the money to provide weapons to Nazis in Ukraine?

Source -

If the West is so "superior" to Russia and China, why can we no longer grow enough food? Is this impending famine due to "climate change" or to the dictates of TPTB?

Source -

Do we really think we can defeat the BRICS+ and the Global South, especially considering they know that we have nothing to offer them except suffering and death?

Since China’s Arctic extension of the New Silk Road was first unveiled in a January 2018 white paper, a process of Arctic development has been unleashed which represents one of the most important and under-appreciated developments on Earth. Not only will 10 days be saved by goods moving between China and Europe via the Arctic route, but a new set of civilization building measures are now being unleashed in opposition to the anti-human de-growth program attempting to steer the world into a post-nation state system of de-growth and world government.

Source -

Are we really so ignorant that we don't realize TPTB are trying VERY hard to destroy our nation along with our economy and culture? Or is that somehow what the majority of people now want? If so, how did they ever come to such a ridiculously dangerous conclusion?

Someone's been spending WAY too much time in the metaverse.

The "Mysterious" Liver Ailment

Here is a report which explains the liver ailment affecting the world's children:

If this is true, TPTB are either criminally incompetent or are acting with criminal intent. Whatever the case, it is clear they should NOT be in charge of anything.

Here is related discussion:

The Rot At The Top

Here is an example of the ethics of TPTB:

How is this NOT illegal? And where are the people who might prosecute such a crime?

This quote may explain what has happened to us:

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men [or women] in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."

― Frédéric Bastiat

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Economic Inequality

This graphic shows the current world economy:

Source -

And this one shows the world's population by country:

Source -

As you may surmise, the economy of the West dwarfs that of the Rest ... in spite of the fact the Rest own most of the world's resources.

I'm confident the Rest would like this situation to change, but the Davos/WEF beast has other ideas. The struggle over this inequality will take years to resolve, and the outcome is anyone's guess.

My guess is that the beast will be defeated, but I have no idea how that could be achieved without divine intervention.

Fukushima Follies

A Japanese court has ruled that former managers must pay almost $100 billion for failures which led to the 2011 nuclear accident:

In my view, this is ridiculous.

The accident was as severe as it was because someone made the decision to build the plant at sea level instead of higher up on the bluffs facing the coast. In my view, whoever made that decision and the people who approved the "safety assessment" saying it was OK are the ones who ought to be fined.

Back here at home, a similar situation almost occurred at the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station in Berwick, PA. The initial design was to build the plant on the river bottom. Fortunately, before it was built a severe flood occurred in the river which persuaded the company to move the site up on the river bank.

Risks with severe consequences but small probability of occurrence are often discounted in such safely assessments. Years later, we all are stuck with the consequences. The least we could do is learn from our mistakes.

But I can tell you right now the nuclear industry hasn't learned a damn thing. And neither have the so-called "regulators".

Nazis Everywhere

Doesn't it seem strange the US is hunting down Nazis in the US while sending billions of dollars to support their cousins in Ukraine?

Realistically, the US and European big banks supported Hitler's Nazis because they wanted him to invade and defeat Soviet Russia. They traded the lives of millions of Jews and others in their failed attempt to achieve that goal.

Now their descendants are doing the same thing in Ukraine - pitting US trained neo-Nazis against Russia, with little regard for whom is getting killed in the process.

The US is NOT a force for good in the world. And every single dollar wasted in Ukraine is a dollar which will not help We the People back here at home:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed."

-President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Clearly, we haven't learned a damn thing in the last 100 years.

Friday, July 15, 2022


Three quotes about Joe Biden's war of aggression in Ukraine:

“I’ve spent my career working in the mainstream, and I’ve covered probably seven, eight, nine shooting wars; I’ve never seen coverage so utterly consumed by a tsunami of jingoism, and of manipulative jingoism as this one.”

~ John Pilger

“It’s quite interesting that in American discourse, it is almost obligatory to refer to the invasion as the ‘unprovoked invasion of Ukraine’. Look it up on Google, you will find hundreds of thousands of hits. Of course, it was provoked. Otherwise they wouldn’t refer to it all the time as an unprovoked invasion.”

~ Noam Chomsky

“At no time, including the Cuban missile crisis, have we stood closer to the precipice of nuclear war.”

~ Chris Hedges

Source -

Did Congress declare war? Of course not. They just stole our money to fund it.

Did anyone ask your permission to completely "reset" the world on terms favorable to an ultra-rich elite? Of course not.

So who is running this country? It sure isn't you or me.

Here is a quote about US print media which may help shed some light on the issue:

Along with companion outlets like the Washington Post and The Atlantic (as pure a reflection of establishment thought as exists in America), the paper [The New York Times] in this sense fulfills the same function that Izvestia once served in the Soviet Union, telling us little or even less than nothing about breaking news events (“Can NATO Long Exist?” was among Pravda’s final questions in 1991) but giving us comprehensive, if often coded, portraits of the thinking of the leadership class.

~ Matt Taibbi

Source -

Ah, the "leadership class", some of whom aren't even US citizens.

Considering what they've been doing, isn't it their assets which should be frozen and their mansions, planes, and yachts which should be seized?

The New Policing ???

Police in the UK apparently no longer investigate burglaries:

As you can see from the video, they're more interested in other things ... such as "thought crimes".

This may be the new kind of policing appropriate for a world in which you'll own nothing and still be happy.

Woo-Hoo !!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

CRISPR Critters

Here is a report about "hacking the software of life":

Scientists are rewriting the code of life with a new technology that promises to cure inherited diseases by precisely correcting genetic typos. Known as base editing, the technology empowers researchers to pick a single letter amongst the three billion that compose the human genome, erase it, and write a new letter in its place.

Source -

What is the true purpose for doing this? TPTB aren't backing this endeavor to "cure inherited diseases" among the masses. That would run counter to their desire to reduce the world's population from 8 billion to 500 million or so.

No, this appears intended to allow the elite to become Übermenschen capable of living forever.

I don't think this is a worthy goal. Do you?

Boost, Or Prolong ???

A recent study showed the mRNA "booster" shots significantly PROLONG infection with SARS-CoV-2:

It makes sense, since the "booster" puts into your body large amounts of the spike protein which is the problem in the first place, while compromising your immune system's ability to cope with it.

And this report suggests "the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Moderna colluded to bypass regulatory and scientific standards used to ensure products are safe":

Well isn't that a surprise.

Doesn't the FDA seem little more than a rubber stamp and ad agency for BigPharma?

Trampling Another Right

A recent Supreme Court decision compromises your "right to remain silent":

I suggest you say nothing at all.

That Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Here is a two minute video in which the former Prime Minister of Malaysia explains what's underway and reveals that it's been planned for a long time:

Make no mistake, TPTB intend to rule the world ... and they are ready, willing, and able to do ANYTHING necessary to achieve that goal, including killing billions of people.

So, whatcha gonna do when they come for you? I suggest you get ready, because they will.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Potential Of North Africa

Here is a bizarre report about North Africa:

  • Why North Africa actually has a high development potential
  • What fueled the conflicts between states in the region
  • What dangers and opportunities North Africa brings for Europe

Source - [translation required]

How soon they forget ... the most developed nation in North Africa (Libya) was destroyed by the psychopaths of NATO with the full backing of US President Obama ad-Dajjal and the monster named Hillary Clinton.

But somehow NOW it has "a high development potential" as long as that potential benefits the swine now running the EU. It sure ain't gonna benefit the people of Libya.

As far as I am concerned, the EU and NATO have earned the same treatment they gave to Libya. They make me sick.

Mystery Of The Tectonic Plates

Here is a visual representation of the standard theory of Earth's tectonic plates:

When the theory went mainstream in the late 60s, a mystery was discovered which I don't think was ever publicly resolved.

Single-celled organisms which grow in the oceans (e.g., diatoms) live in rather narrow bands with respect to latitude. When they die and fall to the bottom of the sea they are incorporated in sediments which overlap the allegedly drifting and rotating tectonic plates. So we would expect their distribution in ancient sediments to reflect this movement.

But they don't. They're distributed in exactly the same manner as modern sediments with respect to today's latitude, which makes absolutely no sense in the context of plate movement.

I suspect this anomaly was just swept under the rug, like some aspects of the "climate change" theory are being ignored today.

My point is that science is often "settled" by ignoring inconvenient facts. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to you.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Great Awakening, Or Great Fizzle ???

Here is commentary by Tom Luongo:

Now the Climate religion has merged cynically with the hubris and colonialism of Davos to create something horrific and deadly. And since they have control over the sacred texts now, they are now crusaders who will not be stopped by people refusing to comply.

You will be assimilated through the hammer and sickle masking the sword and shield.

It’s for the greater good, after all.

The memes are real, folks. We are the carbon they want to reduce. We are the livestock the think they can farm. The full force of their program to reduce us back to when we used to eat bugs to survive is here.

Is that the legacy you want to leave this world with?

You can read the rest @

Note well - the Davos/WEF beast may have lost a skirmish or two, but it is relentless in the pursuit of its war on humanity.

Never, ever let up or give up. TPTB certainly won't, and until We the People wake up and ACT they will have the advantage.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Achieving Local Sovereignty

Some great ideas from Ellen Brown:

But don't expect Uncle Sam to go along with any of them. The only time the feds respect sovereignty (if you can call it that), is when they claim you can be prosecuted for the same crime both by the US and your state because they're two different sovereigns.

The US government is no longer tethered to its people. We're useless eaters, a basket of deplorables, and mostly in their way.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

US Army Unprepared ???

According to this report, the US Army is not prepared for CBRNE attacks:

That's not surprising. 9/11 demonstrated the USAF was unprepared, and things haven't really improved since then. And the fire which destroyed USS Bonhomme Richard showed the US Navy is AFU, too:

Today's military is a trillion dollar a year joke which seems incapable of doing simple things, let alone fighting large wars. They're spending much of their time watching drag queen shows, learning how to be "woke", and getting injected with dangerous mRNA concoctions.

No wonder the Russians aren't scared.

Is Big Tech Humanity's Friend ???

In a word ... NO:

Collectively, Big Tech is thoroughly anti-democratic, anti-nation-state, and pro-authoritarian. Don’t be fooled by accusations of being woke, communist or socialist: Technocracy seeks direct control over every human, every animal, every system and every resource on the planet. If not rejected, it will establish an unbreakable scientific dictatorship.

Source -

And by "rejected", the author probably means "destroyed". Merely trying to minimize or avoid their influence won't cut it.

The Benefits Of Hunger ???

If you'd like to know what TPTB think about the food crisis, look no further:

For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.

You can read the rest @

That's been the attitude of rich bastards since the beginning of time, and it always will be.

You'll find out what this really means in a few months or years when they get done wrecking our food system and really put the squeeze on the rest of us.

$10 Million Reward

This is a joke, right?

The biggest offender is the nation of Israel and their agents in the US.

So can I have the money now?

Note the US government made NO EFFORT to discover domestic agents of interference, other than to claim people enforcing their own laws and state constitutions were somehow hampering people's right to vote.

You suck, State Department !!! Cut the BS and start making peace with Russia, China, India, and the rest of the world which is rapidly finding ways to exist without us.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Dragging Our Children To Hell

Here is one of the latest abominations to hit the US:

Isn't it strange that everyone went ballistic over Catholic priests abusing our children, but that now we're mostly doing nothing to prevent this kind of crap attacking them from a different angle?

If you're not willing to defend your children against this and the killer "vaccines", then I guess you don't care about them very much. They're being destroyed mind, body, and soul.

And don't forget - Speaker Pelosi apparently approves of such things, and Pope Francis gave her the sacrament of communion. How are we to interpret THAT?

Update - 7/8/2022

This appears to be a global phenomenon, at least in the West:

I'm guessing this comes from the Davos/WEF beast or its ilk.

Such acts of sociocide are MUCH more damaging to us than anything Russia is doing. We're fighting the wrong enemy.