Sunday, November 17, 2019

Will We Eat The Rich ???

According to the following essay, "shaking down the rich" is bad for democracy:

However, it has been exhaustively documented that the rich themselves are bad for democracy, and always have been:

So, while we probably won't actually "eat the rich", it's clear we must do something to stop them. Right?

Unfortunately, some observers even question whether We the People are capable of doing anything to stop the rich:

Keep in mind the so-called American Revolution was inspired by the rich of the day. Although We the People (as always) furnished the cannon fodder for the conflict, I think it was more or less a child of the ruling class. We followed their lead then, and we'll follow it now. We're too ensnared in their mind fuck to do anything else.

And what the rich want now is for the USA to be brought to its knees so we can crawl into their New World Order as a cowering herd of supplicants.

The rich have no intention of losing this war, and the one percenters and the rest of the collaborative class have enough skill and clout to ensure they don't.

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