Friday, November 22, 2019

Who Controls Our Military ???

This essay makes an interesting point - the US military is supposed to be controlled by civilian authorities (e.g., the President, who is their Commander-in-Chief):

Yet they all act as if THEY are in control, not our civilian leaders.

This falls somewhere between insubordination and mutiny. For members of Congress to be calling mutineers to testify against the President is an ominous development.

It is not unlike what we're doing to Venezuela and Bolivia.

To answer the title question - the US military is controlled by a junta of military officers, deep state operatives (e.g., current and former CIA leaders), and corporate CEOs.

The "republic" is no more. Here is an interesting recommendation from Philip Giraldi concerning what we should do to help restore it:

"It should really be quite simple. The national security state should actually be engaged in national security. Its size and budget should be commensurate with what it actually does, nothing more. It should not be roaming the world looking for trouble and should instead only respond to actual threats. And it should operate with oversight. If Congress is afraid to do it, set up a separate body that is non-partisan and actually has the teeth to do the job. If the United States of America comes out of the process as something like a normal nation the entire world will be a much happier place."

Source -

But I would go one step further - it is the "national security state" (NSS) itself which must be abolished. The REAL "national emergency" is what the NSS has done to our nation. It CANNOT be reformed or reinvented. We need to go back to what The Founders created and DEFEND our nation against the REAL threats. And if we cannot determine what those threats are and speak openly about them, then this nation has no future.

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