Saturday, November 30, 2019

Weaponizing Water

Turkey appears to be using water as a weapon against the Kurds:

The USA, of course, has its own history of using water as a weapon. Just ask native Americans.

But I think the most interesting aspect of the situation with Turkey is this:

And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
Revelation 16:12 KJV

This will occur just before the Battle of Armageddon, and as implied by the above report in The Nation it can be accomplished either through the agency of man or by the hand of G-d.

The Fed Hates Free Markets

In spite of any claims to the contrary, central banks (including the Federal Reserve System) hate free markets:

Of course, were we to actually HAVE free markets lots more people in the USA would be poorer.

This brings up an interesting two-part question:

Who wants to be "fair" when it comes to standard of living, and who wants to be the first to die to stop "climate change"?

Refer to this post for further discussion:

As long as we continue to point to "the other guy" on these issues, nothing is likely to change:

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi (attributed)

The Problem With Poop

Globally, lots of people still defecate outdoors:

We're not all as civilized as we make ourselves out to be.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Dead Can Still Tweet

Saw this gem today:

It reminded me of something which happened when I worked for an environmental agency years ago. We had a rule which specified how far a polluting source had to be from an inhabited area. Someone asked if a cemetery was an inhabited area, and the answer we gave them was "no".

But I can understand why people want themselves and their loved ones to live forever. I guess I do, too.

Quote For Thanksgiving Day 2019

Just in time for Black Friday 2019:

"Jeff Bezos wants us to leave Earth and save ourselves by building space colonies. We want to stay on Earth, build a viable future, and make Jeff Bezos leave."
Paris Marx

Source -

Amen to that !!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

We've Been Robbed

According to this report, $21 trillion is missing from the US Treasury:

And the federal deficit is at least $23 trillion:

These are HUGE amounts of money. Where did it all go, and can we ever get it back?

And PLEASE don't blame this on Social Security and Medicare. Senior citizens did NOT rob this nation - the "elites" did.

Anti-Media Hypocrisy

We all have been regaled with stories of how Trump threatens the safety of the press and how the Saudis allegedly murdered Jamal Khashoggi.

But where is the outrage against Israeli crimes against reporters? Here is an example of what they have done:

All governments which oppress the media deserve censure, not just ones the USA doesn't like.

Our Banana Republic

Here is food for thought to consume along with your Thanksgiving dinner:

"... the US is already effectively a banana republic if one defines such a nation as one which has a small but ultrapowerful and unaccountable kleptocracy which gets richer year after year by stealing from the rapidly shrinking middle class."

Source -

Any chance the current crop of political candidates might change this? I doubt "our" kleptocracy would allow it.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Facebook And Vaccine Hypocrisy

As you may have heard, Facebook is banning "anti-vaccine" postings on its platform:

Please take a look at this report on the NPR website:

It should be clear from the NPR report that the makers, distributors, and enforcers of vaccines are taking huge risks with other people's lives ... risks of which the victims are unaware and powerless to do anything about. I would argue that such risk-taking amounts to uninformed, non-consentual human experimentation, which is illegal.

I also would argue that the Facebook policy prevents us from discovering and discussing such things.

Facebook does NOT appear to me to be a force for good. So why are we still putting up with their BS ???

The Sprite Ad

Take a look at this ad from Coca-Cola:

Does this have anything to do with Sprite, or is it merely an affirmation of a lifestyle choice?

And why should We the People have to pay for it?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

US Incarceration Vs. Mexican Disappearance

Here is a very revealing report about the relationship between the US and Mexico by Dawn Marie Paley. I urge you to read it:

Dawn is an extremely brave person. The things she writes about have resulted in the disappearance and/or murder of thousands of people.

A Failure Of Intelligence ???

Something is rotten in the House Intelligence Committee, and has been for a long time.

To explain what I mean, please read something I wrote on the evening of September 11, 2001, and which is still valid today [in italics]:

Rep. Gary Condit (D-Ca) is a member of the House Permanent Intelligence Committee. His sub-committee assignments are (1) Human Intelligence, Analysis, and Counterintelligence; and (2) Technical and Tactical Intelligence.

As you may have noticed, Rep. Condit has been harassed for the past several months because of the Chandra Levy "disappearance" and probably has been unable to do his job.

Today, a terrorist attack took place, in part, because America lacked (1) Human Intelligence, Analysis, and Counterintelligence and (2) Technical and Tactical Intelligence at the highest levels of government.

What's the probability that Rep. Condit was harassed so that this terrorist attack could proceed? And if he was, what nation is capable of such harassment?

I believe that Chandra was murdered by the 9/11 plotters, for the specific purpose of preventing Rep. Condit from doing his job, during the course of which he might very well have discovered what they were planning on doing.

This is consistent with the suspicious death of Senator Paul Wellstone, who was one of the few people in Congress who did not buy the official story of 9/11 and who threatened to find out what had really happened.

We don't live in a democracy. We are ruled by murderous oligarchs who are quite willing to kill anyone who gets in their way.

% % % % % % % %

Now we are witnessing the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee running a sham "impeachment investigation" which again is distracting the entire nation from what is REALLY going on in the world. Why is he doing this? Is it (once again) to provide cover for something BIG which is about to happen?

If and when we are "attacked" again or if a huge war breaks out in the Middle East and goes nuclear, please keep in mind that Representative Schiff and his minions kept you in the dark during the leadup to that event. Maybe they had no ill intent in doing so, but I find that hard to believe. The deep state LUSTS for a big war, and they're going to start it one way or another.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Global Debt Is $255 TRILLION

Please read this report about the magnitude of global debt:

What is the point of "growth" if it requires this level of debt? This debt can NEVER be repaid, and it will be used to pry our country (and indeed the entire world) out of the hands of its rightful owners - We the People.

Are you happy now?

The War On Experts

According to this report, President Trump is waging a war on experts:

I have two observations about this claim:

1. Trump is wholly within his constitutionally granted powers to do so. He is the nation's chief diplomat. The cabinet and civil servants are there to advise him, not to overrule and sabotage his decisions.

2. The powers that be have been waging a war on experts for decades. That is part and parcel of the move to push older people out of their jobs and to replace them with younger people who are experts at nothing. This has been done under the banner of "change is good". Most of our problems as a nation, especially with our economy, have occurred alongside (and perhaps because of) this trend.

45 Quotes About Population Control

Here is a web page which presents 45 quotes about human population control:

To me the most interesting aspect of these quotes is that ONLY ONE suggests the author would volunteer to die as part of the culling of the human herd. The rest all seem to say "something must be done" and leave it at that.

Somebody somewhere is going to decide whom to cull. I suggest the latest trend to demonize "white people" may be an indication that decision already has been made.

Don't believe me? Many of the Jews of Europe didn't believe Hitler would kill them, either.


It STILL Wasn't Oswald

Yesterday was the 56th anniversary of the state-sponsored murder of JFK.

Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT the assassin. He was, as he himself realized, just a patsy. You can find proof of this assertion here:

Once you accept this fact, you must realize that the extensive, decades long cover-up of what really happened is at the very least proof the US government was an accomplice after the fact in JFK's murder ... and at the very worst was the prime mover behind that crime.

By the way, much of the interesting "alt-right" analysis of the JFK murder was posted on the blog of James Fetzer. That blog has been removed and banished from the Internet following the Sandy Hook shooting controversy, or I would have referred you to it.

Not only DOES crime pay, in the USA it pays off handsomely if you are one of the "right" people.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Another Reason We Must Save The Planet

A new finding suggests that astronauts may die from blood clots on really long voyages (e.g., trips to Mars):

If we cannot overcome such impediments to space travel, that means we're stuck here.

We need to do whatever it takes to keep our planet habitable. Sooner or later, the powers that be are going to wise up and take DRACONIAN steps in that regard.

Either way, this is going to get really ugly.

Central Bank Tyranny

This report suggests central banks soon will start buying up stocks to "save" our financial systems:

There is something fundamentally wrong when government sponsored (or should we say "protected") private banks can create massive amounts of fiat money out of thin air and then use such funny money to buy up real assets. This is a recipe for the creation of an oligarchy which will literally own the whole world.

What morons decided to allow THIS to happen?

Who Controls Our Military ???

This essay makes an interesting point - the US military is supposed to be controlled by civilian authorities (e.g., the President, who is their Commander-in-Chief):

Yet they all act as if THEY are in control, not our civilian leaders.

This falls somewhere between insubordination and mutiny. For members of Congress to be calling mutineers to testify against the President is an ominous development.

It is not unlike what we're doing to Venezuela and Bolivia.

To answer the title question - the US military is controlled by a junta of military officers, deep state operatives (e.g., current and former CIA leaders), and corporate CEOs.

The "republic" is no more. Here is an interesting recommendation from Philip Giraldi concerning what we should do to help restore it:

"It should really be quite simple. The national security state should actually be engaged in national security. Its size and budget should be commensurate with what it actually does, nothing more. It should not be roaming the world looking for trouble and should instead only respond to actual threats. And it should operate with oversight. If Congress is afraid to do it, set up a separate body that is non-partisan and actually has the teeth to do the job. If the United States of America comes out of the process as something like a normal nation the entire world will be a much happier place."

Source -

But I would go one step further - it is the "national security state" (NSS) itself which must be abolished. The REAL "national emergency" is what the NSS has done to our nation. It CANNOT be reformed or reinvented. We need to go back to what The Founders created and DEFEND our nation against the REAL threats. And if we cannot determine what those threats are and speak openly about them, then this nation has no future.

What Is This Mystery Spacecraft ???

This website has a link to an astonishing video. Take a look:

I think the first question to ask is not "what's it doing?" - it should be "what the hell is this?"

If that is not an alien spacecraft, then who has the ability to put such a large object in orbit? And who is paying for it?

Is this where all the missing Pentagon trillion$ are going?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Should Israel Remain Above The Law ???

Here is a discussion of pending action at the ICC:

I say "stick it to 'em". I see no reason to exempt Israel from international law.

If G-d wants to protect them, He will. But that is an issue which has no place in the courtroom ... or the halls of Congress.

5G Quote For The Day

Ronald Powell, Ph.D., a retired Harvard scientist of applied physics, notes “there is NO SAFE WAY to implement 5G in our communities; rather, there are only ‘bad ways’ and ‘worse ways,’” and rather than argue about who should have control over its deployment, we should focus on preventing its employment altogether.

Source -

But for some reason, "your" government doesn't seem to care about this. Why is that?

Iraq - Liberated Or Plundered ???

Here is Eric Margolis' description of what we have done to Iraq:

Where did the money go? Probably to that sinkhole known as the Pentagon and the mafia which lives there.

Anyone who admires our military ought to ask themselves why our "honorable" officers are tolerating what is being done to Iraq.

Or to us, for that matter.

By the way, I'm a former military officer. I think I have earned the right to question what they are doing ... and NOT doing.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Is Prince Andrew Lying ???

According to Epstein pal Prince Andrew of the UK, he did not molest children ... and photo evidence suggesting he did is fake:

Is he telling the truth? I have no idea.

But we ought to think about this in light of his family's history, specifically the claims made by children in Canada's residential Indian schools. According to testimony compiled by Kevin Annett, several Indian children disappeared in the wake of a visit by Andrew's mother (Elizabeth Windsor) and were never seen again:

Is Annett lying, or mistaken? He had no motivation to lie, and he has suffered mightily because of his revelations (defrocked, divorced, and separated from his family). Will Prince Andrew suffer if he has lied? Will Bill Clinton? Will any of Epstein's many friends and clients? I doubt it.

Not only are the rich above the law, they ARE the law. We will NEVER be able to hold them accountable.

Will We Eat The Rich ???

According to the following essay, "shaking down the rich" is bad for democracy:

However, it has been exhaustively documented that the rich themselves are bad for democracy, and always have been:

So, while we probably won't actually "eat the rich", it's clear we must do something to stop them. Right?

Unfortunately, some observers even question whether We the People are capable of doing anything to stop the rich:

Keep in mind the so-called American Revolution was inspired by the rich of the day. Although We the People (as always) furnished the cannon fodder for the conflict, I think it was more or less a child of the ruling class. We followed their lead then, and we'll follow it now. We're too ensnared in their mind fuck to do anything else.

And what the rich want now is for the USA to be brought to its knees so we can crawl into their New World Order as a cowering herd of supplicants.

The rich have no intention of losing this war, and the one percenters and the rest of the collaborative class have enough skill and clout to ensure they don't.

Notable Quotable

"US dollar will collapse soon."Vladimir Putin

Source -

And nothing the US Congress is doing or can do will change that.

At least the dying Roman Empire gave its citizens bread and circuses. All we're getting is circuses.

Price Tag For The War On Terror

According to this new study, the GWOT has cost $6.4 trillion and caused the loss of 801K lives:

Not to mention the nearly complete destruction of whatever remained of the former USA.

Killing The American Male

Life expectancy for US men continues to decline:

No doubt this stems from the desire to cull the human herd, but do you remember anyone in "your" government asking permission to do this?

By the way, the country/region with the highest life expectancy is Hong Kong, although I think China may be about to change that:

Making Meat From Thin Air

This company has discovered how to make "meat" from air:

At least now we won't have to eat Soylent Green. Best news I've had all day.

Will DARPA Kill Us All ???

Here is a report about a DARPA plan to weaponize bacteria:

I was under the impression the USA didn't do biological warfare, at least not since the 70s. I guess I was wrong.

By the way, here is a discussion of what happened one of the previous times we carried out BW:

Note well that "our" MSM provides copious "proof" the North Koreans are "evil", but they seldom mention the blowback aspects of what we have done to the DRNK.

Frankly, I think DARPA is nuts. They need some SERIOUS oversight to prevent them from doing something REALLY stupid.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Quantum Branching

Here is a discussion of the "many worlds" theory of quantum physics:

I have one big question, and it relates to the conservation of mass and energy. If there exist alternative worlds and our choices cause the world we perceive ourselves to be in to keep branching off, where does all that new mass and energy come from to support the so-called alternate realities?

Coups R Us - Happy Veterans Day

Here apparently is the latest US sponsored coup - this time in Bolivia:

Let's see - we killed Saddam, then Gaddafi, and we're hot on the trail of leaders in Syria, Venezuela, and now Bolivia.

Why? Oil - oil - water/oil, oil, and lithium, respectively.

You may buy the BS which claims the US supports "free markets", but I don't. The US steals what it wants, and kills anyone who gets in the way. You can read all about it here (but I'm not recommending you buy anything from Amazon):

By the way, happy Veteran's Day. Being a veteran myself (Army and Navy), I sincerely appreciate all the sacrifices my fellow veterans have made. But keep in mind our sacrifices haven't always been made for the purest of motives:

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
MG Smedley Butler, USMC

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Fallacy Of Warren's Tax Plan

Senator Elizabeth Warren proposes to tax the rich to "help" the poor.

Here's what's wrong with such a plan:

a. Much of "their" wealth (that of the rich) is NOT real money. It wasn't earned income, and much of it represents a transfer of wealth from poor and middle class folks to the rich via the inflation of stock prices (i.e., it wasn't related to productivity). It's just "funny money".

b. Much of the products and services actually purchased by the poor and middle classes and which DID contribute to the wealth of the rich were paid for by taking on DEBT, not by transferring assets (since we at the bottom have no assets).

c. If and when Senator Warren puts her plan into place, the proceeds would not substantially pay down either public or private debt. We'd all still be broke, except for the rich - who at most would only be slightly less rich.

Instead of Senator Warren's plan, here is what we should do:

1. STOP our insane military spending. Redirect the trillion $ per year wasted by the Pentagon into fixing our infrastructure and our social safety net.

2. Seek and recover the trillions $$ in military spending the Pentagon cannot account for. If that requires seizing some corporate and private assets, so be it - they don't appear to have been legally obtained in the first place.

3. Anything transferred from rich to poor should be done in a manner which pays down the debts of the poor. Call it "helicopter money" if you will; I call it economic justice. "Their" funny money and our debt should cancel each other out, and THAT definitely would benefit all of We the People.

And PLEASE stop attacking China's One Belt, One Road initiative. We have nothing of value to offer in its place, and until we do we're wasting our time, money, and whatever good will remains between us and the rest of the world. Either work WITH China or offer a viable alternative.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Why Do Our Kids Need Bariatric Surgery ???

Apparently many US children are so obese they need bariatric surgery:

I'm no expert, but isn't this (at least in part) the result of bad food, no exercise, and other environmental factors which are not being addressed?

One thing I do know is that some forms of bariatric surgery strongly affect the body's ability to absorb calcium and various nutrients, resulting in osteoporosis and other maladies not addressed in the above report. If you or a loved one is contemplating such surgery, make sure you understand its potential effects - both the good AND the bad.

Italy Going Overboard To Help Migrants

Italy intends to spend FAR more to help migrants than its own disabled citizens:

Isn't that similar to what the US is doing?

Keep in mind the huge waves of migrants in most places in the world have been CAUSED by the USA. What the hell are we doing, wrecking sovereign nations and then using the resulting migrations to destroy our own society and that of Europe? It looks to me like this is an essential part of the "globalization" process which is being shoved down our throats by the elite.

Technocracy, here we come !!!

Making Humans Resistant To Radiation

This article suggests that humans could be modified using tardigrade DNA, making them resistant to radiation:

The alleged motive is to enable astronauts to survive a journey to Mars.

But wouldn't it also enable the rest of us to survive here after a nuclear war (or another Chernobyl, Fukushima, or other nuclear disaster)?

Sounds to me like just another attempt to help the super rich thrive while the rest of us die.

Pope Denies The Gospels

According to this report, Pope Francis has denied the bodily resurrection of Jesus as described in the Gospels:

As I wrote previously, he appears to be a heretic, perhaps is the final Pope, and even may be the False Prophet:

The bodily resurrection of Jesus is a key tenet of Christianity. Without it, what's the point? For Pope Francis to make such statements suggests he is trying to destroy the Catholic Church ... and maybe Christianity itself.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Somalis In US Government

Here is a report about another Somali elected to office in the US:

This really does not bother me. We're "a nation of immigrants", right? Isn't it logical and proper that some of those immigrants would elect some of their own to public office?

If you want to complain about office holders who hate the US, our history, and our values - look no further than high ranking Democrats born right here in the USA. You know their names.

Tulsi's Theory

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard thinks Saudi Arabia (SA) was involved in 9/11:

Yes Tulsi, they were. But is that the REAL story?

Did SA have the ability to plan the attacks to coincide with the drills held that day?

Did they somehow bestow magical powers upon the pilots from SA who allegedly flew the planes with precision even the best US pilots could not have done?

Did SA have the ability to suspend the laws of physics that day and cause WTC1 and WTC2 to turn into dust before our very eyes?

Did SA have the power to destroy all the physical evidence at Ground Zero and/or ship it offshore to be melted down?

Did SA have the power to confiscate and suppress all the video evidence of what hit the Pentagon (except that one video which appears to show nothing)?

Dear Tulsi - The real plotters, whoever they were, had to have been helped by parties within the US military-industrial-information complex. Unless you want to go after them, you're wasting our time.

And if you do go after them, you'll be laughed off the electoral stage ... or worse. Just remember what happened to Seth Rich.

Oh, wait ... that's a conspiracy theory, too.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Still Lying About Africa

Here are two recent pieces about Africa:

1. This one claims Africans are poor because of "socialism":

2. And this one reports how the US is occupying the continent:

NEWS FLASH - Africans are poor because white devils from Europe, Canada, and the USA have been stealing their wealth for centuries. We wouldn't need a drone base if we were conducting free trade with them.

Why do we continue to believe such vile lies?

Scientists Want To Cull The Human Herd

Finally ... scientists have discovered the REAL problem behind "climate change" - there are too many humans:

So, who are they gonna kill first? Will it be disease, war, death, or famine (i.e., the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)? Which country, race, or group will be the first to go? And who gets to decide?

THIS is the great issue of our age. All the anti-Trumpism is merely a pitiful diversion cooked up by weasels.

Mendacity In Michigan

Here is a poor senior citizen whose house was stolen by the State of Michigan:

Only an asshole would do such a thing, but apparently there now are a lot of assholes in the USA.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Whites Under Attack ???

This report suggests that someone in the UK wants white people to get sterilized:

When Nobel laureate William Shockley made a similar suggestion regarding persons with low IQ, he was roundly condemned. So why is no one upset now?

Apparently the Jews of Europe didn't take the Nazis seriously, either ... and we all know how THAT turned out.

Another Glitch In The Climate Change Story

A recent study has failed to confirm some predicted aspects of how atmospheric CO2 concentration affects "climate change":

I'm certain they'll eventually get things right. Aren't you?

In the meantime, we ought to consider whether or not all so-called "green" strategies are really what they are claimed to be. Here is a discussion of several which clearly are NOT green:

Are "smart" people really this dumb?

The Bin Laden And Baghdadi Scams

Here is a piece which disses Trump's claim about the killing of al-Baghdadi:

Was the alleged killing of bin Laden any LESS of a scam?

Witnesses on the ground disputed the official narrative of the bin Laden operation, that nonsense about dumping his body in sea was total BS, and there exists compelling evidence he died LONG before the alleged 2011 raid.

Face it - the MSM gives near 100% support to every lie by or about Obama ad-Dajjal while undermining each and every positive claim by or about Trump. The term "free press" in no way describes any of these non-journalists.

The ONLY truth tellers in the world are people like Assange and Manning, who themselves are being persecuted for their courageous acts.