Thursday, September 3, 2015

What Does UK PM Cameron Know About Moral Responsibility ???

The short answer to the title question is "nothing". Here's why I know that's true:

Prime Minister David Cameron said Britain would fulfill its “moral responsibilities” amid mounting pressure on his government to do more in response to Europe’s migrant crisis, but stopped short of saying the country would take more refugees.

The UK helped invade Iraq, bomb Libya, and bomb Syria. They assisted the US in our campaign to starve to death a whole generation of Iraqis. Their actions led directly to the wave of immigrants now flooding into Europe.

Their moral responsibility was to NOT have done any of these things.

Dear PM Cameron: If you want to fulfill your moral responsibilities, arrest Tony Blair and Israeli PM NetanYahoo and send them to The Hague for prosecution by the ICC as war criminals. That would be a good start.


  1. I wonder why the Muslims fleeing from the horrors of ISIS etc. are knocking on the doors of Christian Europe for refuge. Iran and Saudi Arabia are much nearer.

  2. To get to Iran or Saudi Arabia, they would have to travel through Iraq, Israel, or Jordan. Iraq is a disaster area, Israel would never grant them transit, and Jordan is a US puppet which is one of the staging areas for the mess we have created in the Middle East. I think this has less to do with religion, and more to do with geography and with a perception that Europe is (at least for now) a war-free zone that the US and NATO will not be attacking in the near future.

  3. Fair enough and I believe that some have been schlepping right up to Norway to cross the border into the EU. The invasion of Europe will all end in tears anyway; those that are there in the UK are already pushing for Sharia Law. I'm English thru and thru, left in '89; not the country that I was brought up in even then.
