Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Tripod and the Umbrella Man

On November 22, 1963, the wages of truth were paid to John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Most people believe he was assassinated, supposedly by Lee Oswald or the Mafia.

I believe his death was a ritual killing. Let me tell you why.

If you believe in the Bible, you know there will be an antichrist. Satan knows this too, and he is always looking for someone who wants to play the role. On the human side of the fence, the role of antichrist is an extremely tempting one. His reign may be short, but he will for a time be the most powerful ruler in human history.

I believe that John F. Kennedy was in fact auditioning for this role, and his bid for the role of antichrist was the most significant one in our lifetimes until the Presidency of George W. Bush.

Jack Kennedy portrayed himself to the public in the persona of Apollo, who is the rider of the white horse of the apocalypse. His wife Jackie was portrayed to the public as Apollo’s twin sister Artemis. You can read about Apollo and Artemis to see what I mean @ http://www.pantheon.org/articles/a/apollo.html and http://www.pantheon.org/articles/a/artemis.html

Jack Kennedy also portrayed himself to the public as Apollyon. Apollo brings light, while Apollyon brings darkness: a darkening of the  Sun (i.e., an eclipse). A solar eclipse occurs when the moon (a feminine symbol) comes between the earth and the Sun (a male symbol). Anyone bringing Sun and moon together is potentially guilty of being Apollyon. JFK did this in at least two ways:

  • His marriage to Jackie Kennedy symbolized bringing Sun (Apollo) and moon (Artemis) together.
  • His space effort known as the Apollo Program was intended to bring Apollo (Sun) to the moon (Artemis).

[As an aside, I believe this is what Josef Mengele was trying to do with his experiments with twins during the Holocaust. By getting twins to mate, he was trying to create Apollyon.]

In addition, the island on which the so-called Statue of Liberty resides was once named Kennedy Island, raising the possibility that the Mother of Harlots was riding the ruddy Irishman Jack Kennedy (which, if the claims above his sexual appetite are true, would be an accurate portrayal).

Furthermore, the actual so-called number of the beast in the Book of Revelation is the three letters which look a bit like XIC on the third line of this fragment of papyrus:

If you read them backwards (as would be the case if they were written in Hebrew), they appear to be the letters CIX. In Roman numerals, this is the number 109. As many of you know, Jack Kennedy’s legend started with the story of his command of Patrol Torpedo boat PT-109 in World War II. Those exploits, including the sinking of his boat, the rescue of his crew, and his triumphant return from certain death made him symbolically “the beast who rose up out of the sea” with the number of the beast’s name “109” forever associated with him. As I said, he was a very strong candidate for the role of antichrist.

So what happened in Dealey Plaza? Having announced his candidacy for the role, Jack Kennedy got his final “screen test” on that fateful day in 1963. As it is written in the Book of Revelation:

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. (Revelation 13:3 KJV)

To be the antichrist, one must survive a deadly wound to the head. JFK was put to the test, and he failed.

Some of the things present in Dealey Plaza that day strongly suggest that his death was in fact the ritual killing of Apollo / Apollyon of which I speak:

  • His twin sister Artemis (Jackie) was sitting next to him.
  • The railroad bridge toward which his car was heading when he was shot formed a “triple underpass”. The tripod was one of Apollo’s symbols.
  • As his car drove toward the triple underpass, it was entering the flood plain of the Trinity River.
  • If you believe Oliver Stone’s movie JFK, the assassins laid down a “triangulation of fire”.
  • And then there was the “umbrella man” who displayed his umbrella near the point where the first bullet struck the President. An umbrella (or parasol) was originally used for blocking out the Sun (hence the name). Its presence at the site of the killing of Apollo (extinguishing of the Sun’s light) suggests it was there for its symbolic power.

If JFK was consciously portraying himself as Apollo / Apollyon, it is possible he knew in advance that he would be put to the test. If instead members of America’s cults were setting him up for the test, it’s worth asking whether they did it as the final test of his candidacy, or whether they did it to kill him to forestall the end time events they knew would follow if he were to be anointed as the antichrist.

We’ll probably never know. But it’s also interesting to speculate at this point who would benefit from the failed candidacy of potential antichrist John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The names that come to mind are his successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and the man who “saved” us after 9 11, George W. Bush.

Maybe that’s why Lee Harvey Oswald’s friend George de Mohrenschildt had “Poppy” Bush’s name and phone number in his address book.

NEXT: What about Abe Lincoln and Bobby Kennedy?

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