Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Civilian Side Of AI

Similar to all the PR about the military side of AI, we keep getting told the "civilian" side will do WONDERFUL things for humanity.

But it also has the following goal:

"A world in which human wages crash from AI — logically, necessarily — is a world in which productivity growth goes through the roof, and prices for goods and services crash to near zero," Andreessen wrote. "Consumer cornucopia. Everything you need and want for pennies."

Source -

Now that's the skinny from one of the most astute VC investors in the world, explaining the logical and the necessary (a.k.a. the needs of the few).

I personally believe TPTB do intend to use AI (and other tools) to crash human wages. It all starts with this:

And when they're finally done, we will own nothing, we will HAVE nothing, and we sure as hell won't be happy. That consumer cornucopia will be for them, not for us.

Whether he knows it or not, this is the path Trump is putting us on. This ain't no commercial real estate deal, so I doubt he realizes what's happening.

If he does, this is one of the greatest betrayals of all time.

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