Sunday, March 23, 2025

Who Will "Win" The AI War ???

Here is a good discussion about where the US and China stand with respect to ability to "win" the AI war:

Add to the discussion at least two other impediments:

  • The "never Trump, never Elon" crowd will be sabotaging every move, and
  • Any DOGE "savings" likely will be wasted on war preparations, new nuclear bombs/missiles/planes/subs, etc.

Even if we "win" this so-called war, the result will be a loss by any reasonable standard. Most of us will be out of work, under constant surveillance, forced to take dangerous "vaccines", and living in a dystopian dictatorship which will make a mockery of our freedoms.

Just another Faustian bargain ... and possibly the worst one ever.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Corruption - Theirs And Ours

Here is a wonderful analysis and comparison of Chinese and American corruption:

Once again, we're not the force for good we pretend to be. And I think most people outside the US have known this for quite some time.

America's Demise ???

When I read this essay a while back, it reminded me of the fall of the USSR:

Their demise happened slowly, then all at once. It really seems like we're on a similar trajectory.

And the current "soft" civil war in which we are engaged isn't helping much, is it?

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Ivy Bells Go Boom ???

By now you've all heard of the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage and at least one of the theories about how it was done and by whom.

In case you missed it, one of the latest theories was just published under the byline "Retired US Navy Admiral James Stavridis". You can find it here:

One of the things strangely missing from Admiral Stavridis's report was any mention of Operation Ivy Bells. You can read all about it here:

The gist of that story is that the US tapped at least one Soviet undersea communications cable using submarines modified for that specific purpose. It was all hush-hush back then, but has since come into the public record. The capabilities needed for that operation appear to have been exactly what was needed to kill the Nord Stream pipelines, and (no surprise!) they appear to have been first developed and used by the US.

I knew two officers who may have been involved in such underwater surveillance:

  • RADM Richard Riddell, my CO on USS NAUTILUS (SSN-571), who was a junior officer on USS HALIBUT (SSGN-587) at the time it was modified for such surveillance activities, and
  • A navy nuclear power school classmate of mine who served on USS SEAWOLF (SSN-575) around the same time I was on NAUTILUS.

Neither one ever mentioned Ivy Bells or any other such operation, which is a bit strange considering how we all liked to brag about the nifty things we had done underwater. My guess is that someone told them to keep their mouths shut due to the extreme sensitivity of such operations. Strictly need to know.

The whole thing makes me suspicious that the reports of Admiral Stavridis and Seymour Hersh both are limited hangouts, with the implication that additional such undersea cable and pipeline disruptions either are or will be underway ... and thanks to such complex but misleading theories as those mentioned above will NEVER, EVER be discussed in public.

But that's the beauty of submarines - nobody (sometimes even including members of the crew) ever knows exactly what they're doing.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Dumbest Thing We've Ever Done

These are two of the scariest reports I have read so far this year:

Face it ... there is ZERO control over AI research. Anyone can do more or less anything they want regardless of the possible consequences.

And as the saying goes, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

I think we're going to discover this principle applies to machines as well as humans. Perhaps even more so.

Update - 3/20/2025

You can add this to the list of "scary" reports:

Making AI faster, more capable, more lethal just adds to the problem - we're creating something like Skynet ... and it doesn't matter whether or not it becomes self-aware. Even if it's fully under human control, do you trust anyone you know with that kind of power?

I don't.

Dumbest thing we're ever done. By far. And everyone seems to agree it's unstoppable.

Who Knew ???

Half the people living today originated in what is now Ukraine:

Is this for real, or is it just a coincidence we're only learning this now that the US, Russia, and much of the EU are trying hard to kill all the people now living there?

Not So Fast, Mr. President

Saw this "beautiful" new plan today:

This may be the silliest idea since Operation Warp Speed.

We're in the middle of implementing the PACT Act, which among other things is trying to mitigate the health impacts of "burn pits" on our military outposts ... and NOW we want to expose the rest of our troops to emissions from the refining of highly toxic minerals?

Are you freaking kidding me?

We'd probably experience fewer casualties if we just let the Chinese keep all the world's rare earths, etc. and let them do the smelting.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

This Is Our Energy Policy ???

Recently saw this gem of wishful thinking:

Every power plant I've seen is designed, rated, and licensed for a specified maximum power output. The cumulative yearly output also is limited by shutdowns for necessary maintenance and those caused by unforeseen circumstances.

You can't just mandate a power increase.

What you CAN mandate, however, is to stop the stupid practice of shutting down carbon emitting power plants before replacing them with reliable alternatives. This should have been obvious to any and all professional engineers and system planners.

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Meaning Of Trump's Gaza Plan

Here is what I believe to be the real meaning of Trump's plan for Gaza:

"Everyone is focused on Gaza, but that is only one part of the end-of-days agenda, which has the Jews living in Israel’s prophesied borders," Rabbi Fish said. "The Torah explicitly includes Gaza. What Trump is doing is cleaning out Gaza of all the haters of Israel. They cannot be in Israel after the Messiah comes. After the Messiah, the only people who can be in the Biblical borders of Israel are those who believe He is One and His name is One. This will include Gaza, half of Lebanon, and much of Jordan.

"And we see that we are almost there. Syria fell. Lebanon is half gone. Gaza is ripped up. The stage is nearly set for Messiah. But how can the Palestinians be here when we go to greet the Messiah? The Messiah needs someone to take care of this, and in this case, it is Donald Trump. Trump is merely carrying out the final tasks needed before Messiah is revealed," Rabbi Fish said.

Source -

Yes, it's one of the mile markers on the path to arrival of Messiah, but these particular words also make something else clear:

After the Messiah, the only people who can be in the Biblical borders of Israel are those who believe He is One and His name is One.

That implies that Christians do not belong there, either.

If that's what the rabbi means, why are Christians supporting the House of Israel and the House of Judah in this effort?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Collisions At Sea

You probably wonder how something like this could happen:

Well, in a former life I was a qualified officer of the deck and a line officer in the US Navy.

But in reality, my ship handling skills and knowledge of the rules of the road were pitiful. I don't remember EVER getting any training on such stuff my whole time in the Navy. I had to learn it on my own and didn't do such a good job.

And it's easy to get overwhelmed when you're on watch, especially on a huge vessel like an aircraft carrier.

Digital Control

Here is a summary of how Trump's version of a digital control grid is rapidly being constructed:

This really started to gain traction after 9/11, a false flag attack intended to destroy what was left of the US constitutional republic.

Once this system is complete, there will be no going back.

WTFU !!!

Bad Behavior

Another excellent essay by EKO:

Judges who exhibit this sort of bad behavior should be removed from the bench and (if warranted) prosecuted for what they have done.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Say Goodbye To The Penny

Do you remember this prediction from Kelly Mitchell's 2013 book Gold Wars?

"Most hyperinflations feature a disappearance of the coinage. When the penny disappears, mark that date down. Hyperinflation may be near."

Source -

Well guess what? Trump has cancelled the penny:

Considering everything else now going on, this does not bode well for our currency.

But don't pin this all on Trump - nearly our entire government is to blame for what has been happening and what will happen. He's just the patsy.

Friday, February 7, 2025

D.O.G.E. - A Love Story

Here is a wonderful, almost romantic description of what the Department of Government Efficiency has been doing and should be doing:

This is the best opportunity in my lifetime for We the People to see how OUR MONEY has been spent and why OUR NATIONAL DEBT is so high.

Congress, SCOTUS, and previous administrations have NOT been exercising adequate oversight in such matters. D.O.G.E. can (and hopefully will) provide a complete baseline assessment as well as recommendations for all the spending we can do without. And then Trump and Congress should enact massive cuts.

My advice at this point is to "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead !!!"

Thursday, February 6, 2025

War On The Cartels ???

Whatever Trump and Co. have planned for the cartels will be no cakewalk. They (the cartels) are highly organized and armed to the teeth with all the modern weapons their profits can buy:

This will be an interesting "war", and sadly it almost certainly will spill over into US territory.

Are you happy now?

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Civilian Side Of AI

Similar to all the PR about the military side of AI, we keep getting told the "civilian" side will do WONDERFUL things for humanity.

But it also has the following goal:

"A world in which human wages crash from AI — logically, necessarily — is a world in which productivity growth goes through the roof, and prices for goods and services crash to near zero," Andreessen wrote. "Consumer cornucopia. Everything you need and want for pennies."

Source -

Now that's the skinny from one of the most astute VC investors in the world, explaining the logical and the necessary (a.k.a. the needs of the few).

I personally believe TPTB do intend to use AI (and other tools) to crash human wages. It all starts with this:

And when they're finally done, we will own nothing, we will HAVE nothing, and we sure as hell won't be happy. That consumer cornucopia will be for them, not for us.

Whether he knows it or not, this is the path Trump is putting us on. This ain't no commercial real estate deal, so I doubt he realizes what's happening.

If he does, this is one of the greatest betrayals of all time.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Weaponizing AI In Ohio

Anduril intends to build a hyperscale autonomous weapons production facility in Ohio:

You may recall I previously wrote about their potential connections to OpenAI and to former US Representative Matt Gaetz:

And, of course, Anduril will get a huge "job creation" tax credit from the State of Ohio to build Arsenal-1:

I applaud all concerned and thank them for giving my home state this tremendous opportunity.

But I want the rest of you to keep something in mind - this means more war (regardless of what you call it), and many of these weapons can be used against civilian populations (including you and me) should the need arise. And they almost certainly will.

Trump, and whoever follows him in the presidency, is NOT going to create sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. The outcome (at least somewhere in the world) is more likely to look like this:

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Still Poisoning The World

According to this report, the UK intends to "dispose" of their excess plutonium in a novel way:

The US has a similar problem and once intended to insert plutonium-filled cans into the radioactive waste glass logs produced at the Defense Waste Processing Facility in South Carolina. I once worked at DWPF as a planner and later did my MSc degree research at the nearby Savannah River Laboratory. Did my time in the belly of the beast.

Anyway, the entire process got scrapped because the people of Nevada decided they didn't want to host the high level waste repository which was to be located in Yucca Mountain. All the glass logs are still stored at DWPF.

Apparently the US is still hemming and hawing about how we should proceed:

Exactly how our plutonium will be processed and where it will be buried is anyone's guess. Meanwhile, it continues to be produced in our civilian power reactors.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Birthright Citizenship ???

Here is a great explanation why the US concept of "birthright citizenship" is BS:

I have thought this from the beginning, and I sincerely hope Trump gets this issue resolved while he can.

Dr. Trump's Snake Oil 2.0

Dr. Trump's been in office less than a week, but he's already selling the mRNA snake oil again:

His new sidekick, Larry Ellison, who also has no medical degree, is helping Trump pitch the concept of individualized "cancer vaccines":

You may think all of this is a great idea, but I am extremely skeptical.

I doubt any meaningful clinical trials will be conducted prior to "approving" such "vaccines", and the last set of "trials" (i.e., for the COVID-19 jabs) appear to have been a farce.

Should you not agree, here is the opinion of another person who is not a medical doctor:

Whom are YOU gonna believe?

Climate Baloney

Here is a very good explanation why the standard "climate change" narrative is baloney:

A bit lengthy, but has to be to get the point across.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

One Down, Three To Go

As you know, there are four horses which appear at the start of Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation. They are white, red, pale green, and black in color, respectively.

I think it's pretty clear, at least to me, that the white horse already has left the corral. I say this because I believe it represents pestilence, and the COVID-19 event seems to fit the bill. Granted, the number who have died from the virus and the "vaccines" appears to be fewer than predicted in Revelation, but the "excess deaths" continue to multiply.

So, when will (or did) the red horse make its appearance, and who will be (or was) riding it?

Was it "Joe Biden"? Both his foreign policy record and this red tinged tirade make him a prime candidate for the role:

Or will it be Donald Trump, whose MAGA signature color is red and whose cabinet will soon be filled with rabid war mongers?

We'll soon find out. Time to stock up for our last supper.

For those who are interested, here is a great video by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, in which he lays out the three wars which Trump will inherit on Monday:

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Novichok Follies

Saw this report today, and just had to say something about it:

In particular, these two statements attributed to Putin deserve scrutiny:

"Regarding the tragedy you have mentioned,” Putin told reporters, “I learned about it from the media. The first thing that comes to mind is that, had it been a warfare agent, the victims would have died immediately. It is an obvious fact which must be taken into account. This is first."

That is totally correct. Novichok is nasty stuff, a tiny amount of which is sufficient to kill any human.

"The second is that Russia does not have such chemical agents. We destroyed all our chemical weapons, and international observers monitored the destruction process."

This statement is misleading. One of the major goals of the Foliant Program which produced Novichok was to be able to make it from readily available precursor chemicals which are NOT considered to be chemical warfare agents. So Putin could truthfully say "we don't have any", but it would be easy for anyone to make some whenever and wherever they wanted. Here is some background info which supports these claims:

I believe the entire Skripal episode was a "false flag attack" intended to make the Russians look bad on the international stage. I have no idea whether the Skripals were participants or victims (or were even exposed to ANY chemical agent), but the facts presented in the above reports suggest they probably were innocent victims selected because of who they were.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

FYI, you can find my earliest writings about Novichok here:

Monday, January 13, 2025

Opening The Seals Of Revelation

Had I written the first eight verses of Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation, they would have looked something like this:

Revelation 6:1-8

Saint Howard Version

First Seal: The Rider is Apollo (the god of pestilence)

6 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

Second Seal: The Rider is Ares (the god of war)

3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.

Third Seal: The Rider is Demeter (the goddess of famine)

5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a pale green horse, and she who sat on it had a pair of scales in her hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”

Fourth Seal: The Rider is Death (followed by Hades, the ruler of the underworld)

7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” 8 So I looked, and behold, a black horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with pestilence, with war, with famine, and by all manner of death.

+ + + + + + +

But I didn't, so regard the above as my poor attempt [adapted from the New King James Version] to interpret what Saint John saw and wrote down. I think it better explains the Scripture in the context of the Greco-Roman beliefs of the time.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Trump Agenda

Here is a wonderful, independent assessment of Donald Trump and how he reacts to challenges:

I think this does not bode well for the Trump agenda, at least not the one many people voted for.

What do you think?

Monday, January 6, 2025

Is AI Worse Than Nuclear Weapons ???

Here are two essays which claim AI is a national security imperative:

You may recall this is the way nuclear weapons were sold to the US Congress and We the People - by claiming they were inevitable, likely to be developed by our "enemies", and something we could not live and thrive without. And here we are, 80 years later, still being fed the same line of BS.

Human activity can occur on a broad spectrum ranging from cooperation to warfare, but unless you've been asleep you know the US doesn't EVER cooperate or coexist. Our "leaders" always have to come out on top, no matter what, no matter who has to suffer or die.

This time, please don't drink their Kool-Aid. Nukes are bad enough, but their adverse effects have so far prevented their widespread use in warfare. AI, on the other hand, doesn't produce deadly radionuclide fallout, making it much more likely to be used on a wide scale. But, like nuclear weapons, it has the capacity to cause our extinction.

To me, that makes it like "giving an idiot child a machine gun" as one of our sages has observed. And Elon Musk apparently agrees with me on this:

Wake up, people - make peace, stop making enemies, and stop listening to the maniacs who control our military and our government. They really don't have our best interests in mind.