Monday, December 30, 2024

Musk Confused About Hitler ???

Elon Musk made the following statement as part of his recent op-ed in Germany's Welt am Sonntag newspaper:

"The portrayal of the AfD as rightwing extremist is clearly false, considering that Alice Weidel, the party’s leader, has a same-sex partner from Sri Lanka! Does that sound like Hitler to you? Please!"

Source -

Well it actually does, if you recall some of the never-proven claims made way back then:

  • What about all those alleged photos of Adolf with young boys taken by his personal photographer which were later suppressed as Der Fuehrer came to power?
  • There was that BS story about him catching Ernst Roehm in bed with a young male SA trooper and shooting them both. Was that concocted to draw scrutiny away from Hitler's secret sex life?
  • There was that rumor that Adolf wanted Winifred Wagner to be his beard. Was there any credence in that?
  • And what's with that "suicide" of his girlfriend Geli Raubal? Did she maybe discover the truth about Adolf's sexual desires?

In spite of decades of intense scrutiny, there is still much we don't know about the life of Adolf Hitler.

And one would think that a highly intelligent person like Musk would know better than to step in the same foul-smelling mess that Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh did during the Nazi era.

How Important Is The DNI ???

Here is one analyst's tongue-in-check assessment of our current and potentially future DNIs:

Tulsi Gabbard – Army LTC, veteran of US Middle Eastern wars, public and private patriot, Congresswoman, and candidate for President - cannot be allowed to be DNI. Obviously, the US needs someone like the current DNI, Avril Haines, who has a law degree she hasn’t used, once ran a bookstore, never served in the military, nor worked in the intelligence community. Instead, she made her way into government service via political appointment after political appointment. And that’s exactly how we like our DNIs. Imagine if they actually read intelligence and didn’t just serve as a rubber stamp for the professional intelligence bureaucracy? In Princess Bride terms, we prefer our intelligence directors to be puppets of the deep state, and we say in unison, “Tulsi Gabbard? Inconceivable!”

Source -

How important is the DNI? VERY, whether you want them to just rubber-stamp BS or to ACTUALLY do their job, which includes the following:

Leading the Intelligence Community

The DNI is the head of the United States Intelligence Community (IC), which includes the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the National Security Agency (NSA). The DNI oversees and directs the IC's activities.

Advising the president

The DNI advises the president, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council on intelligence matters.

Providing intelligence

The DNI provides timely and objective intelligence to the president, other executive branch officials, Congress, and military commanders.

Establishing priorities

The DNI sets objectives and priorities for collecting, analyzing, producing, and disseminating intelligence.

Ensuring access

The DNI ensures that intelligence information is available and accessible within the IC.

Developing the budget

The DNI develops and executes an annual budget for the national intelligence program.

Coordinating with foreign governments

The DNI oversees coordination with intelligence and security services from foreign governments and international organizations.

(h/t Google AI)

No doubt Ms. Haines is very intelligent and capable, but did she actually do these things?

I dunno. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Could This Be Why Gaetz Won't Be AG ???

While digesting yesterday's "news" I came upon some interesting coincidences:

  • OpenAI has decided to get into the military AI battlefield weapons business:

  • A company named Anduril Industries also will be a major player in that business:

  • One of the founders of Anduril is Palmer Luckey:

  • And Palmer's brother-in-law is Matt Gaetz.

Had I been in Matt's position, I would have been faced with the following two choices:

  1. Have my name dragged through the mud for 4+ years so I could be Trump's attack dog (and in the process draw the ire of just about everyone in DC), or
  2. Leave the government to get in on the next phase of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the AI/UAV revolution in military affairs, and a potential renaissance of the nuclear power industry.

I know which choice I would have made.

Besides, you don't really think the blob/deep state/swamp creatures and their ilk are going to let ANYONE hold them accountable or take away their power, do you?

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Elon Shrugged

Here is a comparison for all you Ayn Rand fans:

  • Elon Musk, Vivek, RFK, Jr. are John Galt, Hank Reardon, etc., while
  • The blob/deep state/swamp creatures and their ilk are the worthless legislators and bureaucrats who squander our tax money on pointless wars and who want to keep the United States from being the industrial leader of the world we used to be.

No pain, no gain ... let the government shut down, if necessary (and it probably is).

Here's my recommended Continuing Budget Resolution:

  • All programs will continue until April 1, with the following exceptions and limitations:
  • Zero expenditures for Ukraine, for Israel, or for any war or war-like activity;
  • Zero expenditures for anyone whose presence in our country is in violation of congressionally approved immigration law;
  • Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid spending to continue with the previously announced cost of living adjustment;
  • Expenditures for all other programs to be cut 10%; and
  • The President is hereby authorized to impound funds from whatever programs he deems to not be in the national interest.

Easy, peasy !!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


I don't know whether you remember the 1970 movie "Colossus: The Forbin Project", but I was impressed enough to never forget it. You can read about it here, or you may be able to stream it online:

I mention this now because Elon Musk recently constructed and activated a gigantic AI supercomputer which he named Colossus. Here is a short (8 minute) video about it:

This new Colossus may or may not equal (or exceed) the capabilities of the movie version, but if it does we could be in a heap of trouble.

Fortunately, Musk has been outspoken on the issue of AI safety, but you know how it goes: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hope he won't let things get out of control.

FYI, the Statue of Liberty is called "The New Colossus" in that famous poem by Emma Lazarus:

I'm sure most people think "the golden door" in the last line of the poem refers to the entrance to an America where the streets are paved with gold, but it could just as easily be the Gate to Hell envisioned by The Forbin Project.

Did I ever mention that I see the dark side to everything?

Monday, December 16, 2024

David Stockman

Remember David Stockman from the Reagan years? He's one of the few truth tellers left in DC:

  • Here is Part 1 of his truthful explanation of what happened in Syria:

  • And here is Part 3 of his plan for cutting the Pentagon budget:

I think he'd make an excellent addition to the D.O.G.E. team, don't you ???

Saturday, December 14, 2024

A Special Gift From Texas

Israelis are preparing to build the Third Temple:

Thanks, Texas !!! They couldn't do it without you.

And if you think this is an aberration, think again.

  • Trump's SECDEF pick is a Third Temple booster:

  •  ... and at least one member of Congress wants to restore Biblical names to the Holy Lands:

I have felt for a long time that The Founders of the US intended it to be an engine to bring about the End Times. Recent and future events will soon prove this to be correct.

Pray hard, and do NOT take the mark.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Will Syria Become The New Palestine ???

By now you've no doubt read all sorts of reports about what has happened and will happen in Syria.

Here is something you probably didn't see:

"As it stands, the new regime in Damascus will be, for all practical purposes, backed by those who support and engineer Eretz Israel and the genocide of Palestine. It’s already out in the open, coming from Israeli cabinet officials themselves: Tel Aviv ideally would love to expel the population of Gaza and the West Bank to Syria, though Jordan is their preferred destination."

Source -

Gee, why didn't I think of that before?

In addition to THAT possibility, here are a few things which should make several regional actors happy:

  • Just about everyone should be pleased the terrorism supported by Hezbollah's version of the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" is being eliminated, along with all the munitions and equipment being destroyed by Israeli and US bombs. (Did Congress authorize that, or is "Joe Biden" still using 9/11 as an excuse to do whatever he wants?)
  • Many Syrian refugees may decide to return (although they may change their minds when they see the state of their former country).
  • Those who will benefit from the planned Qatar–Turkiye gas pipeline through Syrian territory to provide Europe with an alternative to Russian gas will be ecstatic (especially the US).
  • Six of the seven countries General Wesley Clark said the Pentagon wanted to destroy are now gone, and Iran is next in the crosshairs. Once they're eliminated or neutered, the path to further expanding Israel's borders will be clear.
  • And once the "cordon sanitaire" the US and Israel are erecting around Jerusalem is completed, it will be time to build the Third Temple (which in my view has been the chief goal all along).

President-elect Trump also should be happy in his new dual role:

  • As the new Pontius Pilate who just washed his hands of all the Syrians (including many Christians) now being sacrificed on the altar of geopolitical expediency, and
  • As the new Cyrus who will enable the House of Israel and the House of Judah to fully reclaim their Biblical homeland and rebuild the Temple.

Of course, what remains of the Palestinians and the rest of the Syrians probably won't be happy at all. But it would be wrong to blame their fate on anything the US did ... definitely not. Just because we spent decades and billions of dollars in an effort to overthrow Assad does not mean it was our fault. As Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter observed in his acceptance speech:

"It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn't happening. It didn't matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis."

We can expect the Trump MAGA Crusade to plow up the Middle East all the way through to the Second Coming and beyond. He's definitely building a Cabinet and an administration suited for the purpose, and the American people seem just as hypnotized as ever.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Afghanistan vs. Syria

You may have noticed that when "Joe Biden" abandoned Afghanistan, he left them a treasure trove of US weapons.

Yet when Assad and company abandoned Syria, Joe and his friend Bibi started a bombing campaign which is destroying all the weapons the Syrians left behind.

Why the difference?

I believe someone wanted the Afghan weapons to resurface somewhere else in the world, but did not want the Syrian weapons to ever get used again. Better to arm the crazies with modern US stuff than all that old Soviet crap the Syrians used.

And by the way, why all the current talk about Syrian "chemical weapons"? They were verified to have been destroyed years ago. You mean someone has been (or is) lying to us? Oh, no !!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Cyrus Re-emerges

Soon after Donald Trump's first election, I speculated his presidency would have great biblical and symbolic significance. Here are some of the things I said back then:

[You can find more by searching this blog for "Cyrus" or "Trump".]

Now that he has been re-elected, you can expect the path to the End Times to be swift and those who pursue it to be fervent. To see what I mean, please watch this 15 minute video:

Please keep something in mind - YOU may or may not believe in biblical prophecy; but TPTB definitely do, and THEY are the ones who are driving this bus. Most of us are just along for the ride.

And what a wild ride it promises to be !!!

Friday, November 22, 2024

Gaetz Is Gone

Gee, Matt, maybe you should not have resigned so quickly. Good luck with your future endeavors.

Hey, Donald, maybe your "mandate" isn't worth squat after all. Neither the House nor the Senate is going to support you, so good luck getting anything done.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

More End Times Coincidences ???

Don't know how I missed these:

(a) One of the most important Israeli leaders is Itamar Ben-Gvir, the Minister of National Security. The settlers who support him (and whom he supports) are preparing to take over the West Bank, apparently with the promised support of the incoming Trump administration.

His Biblical namesake, Ithamar, was a significant figure in the Old Testament. He was the youngest son of Aaron the High Priest and Elisheba. His brothers were Nadab, Abihu, and Eleazar (whom I mentioned before). Ithamar was part of the first generation of the Aaronic priesthood. His role included offering sacrifices, maintaining the tabernacle, and teaching the people about God's laws. After the Tabernacle was built, Ithamar recorded an inventory to ensure it matched the vision God gave to Moses. (h/t Google AI)

(b) And of course there's Miriam Adelson, who is rumored to have donated $100 million to get Trump elected, on one condition - that he allow Israel to annex the West Bank.

Her Biblical namesake is described as the older sister of Moses and Aaron. The Talmud names her as one of the seven major female prophets of Israel. Scripture describes her alongside of Moses and Aaron as delivering the Jews from exile in Egypt: "For I brought you up out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, and I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam". According to the Midrash, just as Moses led the men out of Egypt and taught them Torah, so too Miriam led the women and taught them Torah.

Source -

Energized and led by the likes of Miriam, Itamar, and Bezalel, and supported by the memory of Eleazar, it seems clear (at least to me) that the House of Israel and the House of Judah soon will achieve their final redemption.

And if this is G-d's will, can anyone stand in their way or in the way of President-elect Trump?

Does DNI Do More Than Deny ???

Most already realize that Tulsi Gabbard will have a difficult time if confirmed as Director of National Intelligence.

But if you'd like to know HOW difficult, please read this report:

Yes, it's lengthy, but Dick Cheney and Barack Obama screwed things up so badly it takes more than a few paragraphs to explain just HOW badly.

By the way, this report includes my reason for saying transferring Senator Rubio to the State Department may turn out to be a GRAVE tactical error, as he currently is one of the eight people who control all important government appointments. He won't be able to do that from State.

Makes it seem like Trump still doesn't understand how things work.

Covid Cures Cancer ???

Almost daily I see new claims the Covid "vaccines" are causing heart disease, turbo cancers, and strange clots throughout people's circulatory systems.

But now, as it turns out, severe Covid appears to shrink cancer tumors:

What a coincidence! Does this mean we don't need RFK, Jr. after all?

Declaration Of Independence

Here is an excellent, updated version of the Declaration of Independence, crafted by Emanuel Pastreich:

I don't think I'd vote for him as President, but he surely has some provocative ideas. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Mutiny At The Pentagon ???

Apparently US generals, admirals, and military bureaucrats may be conspiring against the President-elect:

If this is true, they should be brought up on charges, and if convicted drummed out of the service and lose their retirement pay and benefits.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Will Matt Gaetz = Che Guevara ???

Everyone is claiming to be shocked at the nomination of Matt Gaetz for US Attorney General. It certainly is a provocative move.

But was it wise for him to immediately resign his seat in the House of Representatives?

If you recall, Fidel Castro sent Che Guevara off to spread the Cuban Revolution into South America, but Che's major accomplishment was to get himself killed in Bolivia. In a somewhat similar vein, if Matt doesn't get approved by the Senate (a definite possibility), he probably can't get back into the House.

Perhaps those two outcomes were what Fidel and the Donald had in mind all along. They should have at least considered them as real possibilities.

Update - 11/16/2024

At least one other reputable source has agreed with my suggestion about Gaetz:

I really hope we're both wrong, since Gaetz is the very kind of flame thrower we need as AG.

However, many of the RINOs apparently don't want Gaetz to have the job, perhaps because they're afraid he'd piss in their rice bowls, too:

Like I said before, Trump should stop believing he has a "mandate" to do anything. Until this election is certified by the new Congress and he's actually sworn in he has no real power at all. And he needs to start acting like his presidency is already in trouble, because it is.

Everything will be an uphill battle, pal. Get used to it !!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Will 47 = 45 ???

Once again, sadly, Trump is playing checkers while his many enemies are playing chess.

The alleged scope of his victory really does not matter. His popular mandate is of no value if he loses control of Congress. And he's in the process of doing just that.

He doesn't have a majority in the House, and he may NEVER achieve one. Even if he does, it will be slim. How hard do you think it will be for his enemies to get a few House RINOs to betray him on each and every important vote?

His margin of victory in the Senate also may not matter if the many RINOs in that chamber decide to resist his agenda. And they're in the process of doing just that ... holding a secret vote today to elect a majority leader who could be the head Judas in that chamber this time around.

And what is Trump doing while they scheme behind his back? Making ridiculous cabinet appointments and meeting with his CHIEF enemy - "Joe Biden". The only thing that will accomplish is to prevent Trump from focusing on what IS important today. Trump MUST delay or cancel that meeting and instead convene an urgent meeting with all Senate Republicans. Like, RIGHT NOW !!!

And PLEASE stop with the provocative appointments. Elon and Vivek make some sense, but without the House and Senate behind them, they're not going to get much done. And in case you haven't noticed, if today's Senate vote doesn't go your way, you probably can kiss all those recess appointments goodbye.

Just one week after the election and things already are circling the drain. Well, at least you're apparently going to give the Israelis everything THEY want.

Will you cave to the Russophobes, too?

Geez Louise !!!

Update - 11/14/2024

Trump failed to take my advice, and the new Senate majority leader is less than ideal ... and possibly a serious roadblock to the Trump agenda. Good luck with those recess appointments and/or getting people like Matt Gaetz approved.

At least we (probably) got Tulsi into an important slot, but this may be offset by taking Rubio out of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence by making him Secretary of State. We'll see, but both appointments may turn out to be tactical errors.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

End Times Coincidences ???

I find it difficult to watch the apocalyptic events now occurring in the Middle East without thinking of the promises G-d made to the House of Israel and the House of Judah. This is especially so because of the statements made by Israeli finance minister Bezalel Smotrich. You can read about them here:

His namesake in the Bible, Bezaleel, was the artisan who led the group which physically made the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, and the rest of the items in house of G-d. Is it just a coincidence the Bezalel of today appears to be playing a major role in the ultimate redemption of the Jewish people?

It is even less commonly known that the idol of America's secular religion, the Statue of Liberty, stands atop Fort Wood, a fortification named after Colonel Eleazer Wood, one of the first graduates of the US Military Academy to die in battle (in the War of 1812).

His namesake in the Bible, Eleazar, was the son of Aaron who became the second high priest after Aaron died. Even more interesting is the fact that Colonel Wood's father, a soldier in the American Revolution, was named Bezaleel. Is it just a coincidence these two important biblical figures are symbolically represented on Liberty Island?

Although the above report about Bezalel Smotrich makes no mention of the Jewish Temple, it is highly likely a Third Temple will be constructed, and it ultimately may contain the rediscovered Ark of the Covenant. While the location of the Ark is said to be unknown, there is yet another coincidence here suggestive of its hiding place and/or ultimate destination - two other men named Eleazar, one who was entrusted as a keeper of the Ark and the other who was in charge of the sacred vessels brought back to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile:

Isn't it possible our rock-solid support for Israel is based not solely upon geopolitical considerations, but more importantly on our common Judeo-Christian heritage and even possibly on a joint effort to preserve the Ark and return it to its rightful place on the Temple Mount?

Is all this mere coincidence, or does it represent the fulfillment of biblical prophecy?

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Future Of Electricity

I receive my residential electricity via PJM Interconnection, one of the largest distributors in the US. You can read about them here:

When I first looked them up a few years ago, the monitoring agencies said they had access to sufficient resources to service their existing grid and handle expected growth. But earlier this year PJM announced the possibility of near- and long-term shortages.

What happened? A few things:

  • nuclear power plants in their supply network either shutdown or were never completed (e.g., Davis-Besse, Perry 1 and 2, Zimmer);
  • fossil fuel power plants in their network shutdown (e.g., Zimmer); and
  • load growth exploded, mainly from large server farms (especially in the Washington DC area)

The so-called "green" agenda will lead to the shutdown of even MORE fossil fuel plants, while AI companies (and the US government) will demand more and more power for their server farms.

The solution? Build more nuclear power plants and restart ones which have been prematurely shutdown. You can read about such claims here:

But how realistic are such "plans"? Here are some things to consider:

  • At least two NSSS companies (GE and Westinghouse) long ago developed mid-sized modular style plants, none of which were ever built. I know because I worked on the design certification for one of them, the GE SBWR.
  • The small modular plants currently being considered will be of novel and relatively untested designs. Maybe not such a good idea for facilities to be located all over the country.
  • You can't just walk in and flip the "on" switch to start up a mothballed nuclear plant. Unless all the required maintenance has been performed since it last operated, the environmental qualifications of safety-related equipment may have lapsed and need to be re-established. I know because I worked on a similar project (Browns Ferry).
  • After all these years, the US still does not have a working plan for the long-term disposal and storage of nuclear waste. The new and restarted plants all will generate more high level waste (with some of it being MIXED waste, an even greater headache), which probably will be kept onsite with the associated reactors, possibly forever. I know because I worked at the Defense Waste Processing Facility.

In addition, the US was once the leader in nuclear energy; not any more. Many of the companies which built our industry no longer exist or have moved on to other products and services, and very few universities still graduate students with degrees in nuclear engineering and related fields.

And as a side note, for the most part our existing nuclear plants which have been shutdown suffered that fate because they were too expensive to operate. I suspect that if and when they DO restart, the operating costs will be forcibly passed on to the general public by Amazon, Microsoft, OpenAI, Nvidia, etc. ... something state regulatory agencies collectively were not allowing.

So in summary, I believe a two-tiered system is being created - a nuclear powered one for the big AI companies and server farms in general, and another "sustainably powered" one for the rest of us - BOTH of which will be paid for by the general public AND which will be much more expensive than what we're paying now. And I doubt any of the persons currently vying for the White House give a damn, if they're even aware of what's happening.

Are you happy now?

Update - 11/18/2024

Fortunately, people (including regulators) are catching on to what the owners of AI centers are trying to do to the electricity markets:

Note that both of these centers are in PJM Interconnection's grid, which already is under strain. And closer to home, AES Ohio is the company which bills me for electricity and infrastructure upgrades. I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay for Amazon to get a larger share of the electric pie.

And what the hell are these data centers for anyway? Doesn't Bezos and company already have access to more of our data than they should?

Sheesh !!!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Are We The New Nicolaitanes???

I recently noticed these passages while reading the Book of Revelation (KJV):

2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.

2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

2:15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

So, who were the Nicolaitanes, whose deeds and doctrines Jesus hated? You can read about them here:

This much is clear, they believed in and practiced various forms of idolatry, immorality, fornication, and the eating of things sacrificed unto idols.

The first three pretty much describe the daily life of modern-day Americans, but what's with the "eating of things sacrificed unto idols"?

One explanation of that practice can be found here:

But I also have another explanation (or clarification). Christians participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion, which commemorates the Last Supper. As part of that sacrament they consume the body and blood which our Lord sacrificed on our behalf. Doing so brings us into the Body of Christ.

Eating things sacrificed unto idols, on the other hand, brings us into the body of Antichrist. And since no one can be in the Body of Christ and the body of Antichrist at the same time, that means many of us now belong in the latter.

It's not clear who (other than Satan) drew us into that practice, but it is clear (at least to me) that many modern churches do little to enlighten their flocks to the spiritual dangers found all around us.

We are on the threshold of The End Times. Pray hard, do NOT take the mark, and do NOT eat things sacrificed unto idols.

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Real J6 Insurrection

Yes, there was an insurrection on J6, but it wasn't what we've been told by the MSM. You can read about two aspects of it here:

... and here:

Those of you who may still respect our military leaders should rethink the situation. Many generals and admirals have become insubordinate opportunists more concerned about their retirement benefits than in our nation's security.

And don't get me started about the FBI. I'm not certain just WHAT they can be relied upon to do.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Some Ominous Trends In Artificial Intelligence

Here is an excellent piece about AI:

I get the impression the author thinks such trends are a good thing. I don't.

If AI no longer follows "human" thinking, it's also likely it won't respect human values. At that point we become just another obstacle in the way of a new class of omnipotent, omniscient beings.

That may very well herald the end of humanity.

Triumph Of The Economic Hit Men

Here is an excellent recounting by Tom Luongo of the last several years of geopolitical and financial events in the UK and elsewhere:

It's a bit long, but it you can spare the time I highly recommend reading the entire essay. By the time you finish you'll realize the two prize targets for the hit men include not only Russia ... but the USA as well.

And if you've been paying attention, you'll also realize the 2024 election may well be the most important event since 9/11.

I'm tempted to say vote early and often, but I don't recommend that anyone cheat.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Constitution Day 2024

"Joe Biden" has issued a proclamation honoring Constitution Day (September 17). You can read it here:

Note well he mentions rights such as the right to vote, the right to reproductive freedom, the right to choose (have an abortion), the rights of citizenship, etc.

He does NOT focus on any of the rights enshrined in the first ten amendments of the US Constitution, the so-called Bill of Rights. I believe that is because those rights no longer exist, or if they do it is in a highly altered form.

Here is an essay which explains how those fundamental rights have been taken away. If you are interested I suggest you read it in full:

"Joe Biden", Kamala Harris, and their ilk have done little or nothing to preserve those fundamental rights, and in many cases appear to have been instrumental in their evisceration.

Think about THAT on this Constitution Day 2024, and ask yourself why we have allowed it to happen.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Three Generations Of Banality

I read this essay today about US government employees who it says carry out policies which harm people around the world. It invokes Hannah Arendt's phrase "the banality of evil":

It made me think of Ward Churchill's essay "Some People Push Back", On the Justice of Roosting Chickens, which suggested the people working in the World Trade Center on 9/11 were "little Eichmanns":

I'll point no fingers at either group of employees. It's up to them and their families to decide their level of culpability, if any.

But all three publications now make me think about my own role as a former nuclear submarine officer, one of whose duties was to validate orders for the launching of nuclear weapons. Had such orders ever been given and executed on my watch, what would that have made me?

Some may say that anyone in such a position is hardly "banal"; after all, the whole point of our role would have been to literally unleash hell on earth. But to be honest, I never thought of it that way at the time. Unlike the recruiting slogan, it was just a job ... not really an adventure. [In fact, I admitted as much during my job interview with ADM Rickover.]

Right now there are hundreds of military officers out there who are ready, willing, and able to launch such weapons, complete with super-fuze warheads in a preemptive first strike attack against the latest putative "axis of evil". What should we call them? Will there even be anyone left to make such a determination once the missiles fly?

Shouldn't we all right now stop and think about what we're doing and what we might be called upon to do ... before the time comes? Or should we all just carry on doing our jobs efficiently, just following orders?

Friday, August 30, 2024

Nuclear War Fever

Here is a VERY important discussion about "Biden's" nuclear war strategy:

To call this a "preemptive strike technology" is TOTAL BULLSHIT. Super-fuze makes Trident a FIRST STRIKE WEAPON.

All the associated nonsense, including the decades-long demonization of Russia, is INTENTIONALLY crafted to make you think it's preemptive. Russia wouldn't have attacked us in a million years had we left them alone. We (at least the psychopaths that run the US) have been trying to goad them into a nuclear war ever since 1945. We're not "preempting" anything, we're PROVOKING.

Also note the linked report says nothing about the consequences of "winning" such a preemptive war. Even if the Russians only managed to launch a few weapons following a US attack, the immediate death toll would be huge, and the ultimate impact of the fallout from OUR weapons and the nuclear winter such a war would cause would probably kill most life on the planet.

And by the way, adopting such a nuclear strategy AND shooting at Russia's early warning radars make it MUCH more likely they might launch on warning.

Are you happy now?

Democracy Or Just Clinging To Power ???

Here is a discussion of the mess Democrats created by pulling Biden off the ballot at the last minute:

There was nothing "democratic" about how they chose their candidates.

If they cannot even handle a simple election, why should anyone think they can run the country?

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Thought For Today - 08/25/2024

"Modernity gives people neither models for noble life nor examples of gallant death, nor compelling reasons for either." - John Attarian

After watching the DNC Convention, I can understand why TPTB don't want us to achieve either one. To them, we're no longer even cannon fodder and most are just useless eaters.

[To be honest, I didn't really watch their convention at all. Just saw some replay snippets, but that was enough for me.]

Friday, August 23, 2024

Landslide Coming ???

Here is an essay which predicts Kamala Harris may win the election:

I heartily agree, and she may win by a landslide. I don't want her to win, but unlike Trump I can read the tea leaves.

He's been demonized for the past eight years, and too many people have bought into all the shade and dirt which has been thrown at him. In fact, they relish it:

Trump, you've been chumped - and I would not be surprised if you wind up in jail, too.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Who Has The Football ???

A reporter recently asked some US Air Force generals whether "Joe Biden" still could handle his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief when it comes to the possible use of nuclear weapons. This is one of the responses he received:

"I have no concerns with the current Commander-in-Chief and his abilities to give me lawful orders if required."

Source -

Oh I'm sure the orders would be "lawful", but would they be SANE? I suspect not. Just because he CAN do it doesn't mean he SHOULD.

As I've written before, the command and control system is designed and built to ensure "lawful" orders are properly received and executed, but I don't recall there being any provision for second-guessing or hindering the underlying decisions:

We never should have started the current game of nuclear chicken, but it sure would be nice if someone in a position to do so would stop it before it gets any worse. And the final chance to stop it is BEFORE those "lawful" orders are ever given.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Nuclear Dreams

Apparently in an effort to meet "climate goals", the US will be shutting down its coal-powered generating stations and building more nuclear power plants:

Good luck with that. Ever since the Three Mile Island incident, new nuke plants either have been cancelled, or were WAY over budget and behind schedule. There are many reasons for that, but they all boil down to a lack of leadership at all levels. Without clear, sustained leadership, any "nuclear renaissance" is likely to fail.

We're being told that to facilitate the rebirth of nuclear power, the US will start to reprocess its spent nuclear fuel: [behind a paywall]

But as you may be aware, the US previously tried but gave up on that idea in 1977. Will things be any different this time?

And we still need to construct a working repository for high level nuclear waste, but the US also gave up on that project after a lame effort to build one in Nevada. Again, will we actually finish one this time around, or just give up again?

Having worked for 25+ years in military, DOE, and civilian nuclear energy programs, I can confidently predict that any progress will be slow, difficult, and very expensive.

And don't forget that any nuclear power plants which ARE likely to be built will be used to power the data centers so urgently needed to spy on us and keep TPTB in power. Once THAT is accomplished, all the other promises mentioned above are likely to be forgotten.

Once again, we'll go from "too cheap to meter" to "insufficient funds".

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tim Walz Vs. Tulsi Gabbard

It didn't take very long to hear the truth about Tim Walz (or is this just another case of "swift-boating"?):

On the other hand, it apparently took quite some time for this to come out about Tulsi Gabbard:

I can think of absolutely no valid reason why Tulsi should be subjected to such surveillance. Can you?

Not only is it nearly impossible to discover "the truth" about any politician, it's now possible to completely weaponize any and all government assets against them if they threaten or offend TPTB.

Our political system has been destroyed. Are you happy now?

By the way, IMO Trump should have picked Tulsi for VP. Just my two cents.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's Hard Being A Troll

When I was in the first or second grade, my school put on a production of Three Billy Goats Gruff. For some reason (perhaps my stentorian voice) I was chosen to play the Troll.

At the time I thought it was an honor. I later realized being thought of as a Troll is kind of demeaning. I'm pretty sure now choosing me for the role was an indication of how easy it has been for people to trick me into doing things which really did not benefit me ... and sometimes were quite damaging. Go figure.

As you may have noticed, the biggest Troll in the world today is Donald J. Trump. He thinks being President is an honor, and it is. But in many respects, casting him in that role was, is, and will be the cause of his demise. Look how easy it has been to trick him into doing dumb, damaging things (e.g., choosing traitors as his advisors, getting people to take poisonous "vaccines", falling into "debate"/"interview" traps which make him look like a racist or insurrectionist, etc.). These are things from which he may never recover, and perhaps even land him in jail.

I may be one of the few, but I completely sympathize with him; I've been there, too, and once you're type-cast in that role, it's nearly impossible to break out of it.

Later in grade school, I was cast in the role of Ichabod Crane in a radio production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I wonder what they were trying to tell me with that?

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Reopening The Mundus

Here's something you may not have seen before. It's a bit long, but worth your time.

The Mundus Cereris was a womb or labyrinthine passage to the underworld, the domain of Ceres, the great Mother of vegetation who was the Roman equivalent of Demeter. The structure was vaulted in the shape of an inverted sky, divided into two parts, and had a cover. It is believed to have been located on the Palatine Hill in Rome.

The cover was removed every year on August 24, October 5, and November 8, and these days were religious holidays, when the way was supposed to be open to the underworld. First-fruits of the season would be offered to the Manes (ancestral spirits) and placed in the pit.

Because the cover to the Mundus, the Lapis Manalis (Stone of the Manes), was considered an Ostium Orci (Gate of Hades), the Manes were freed to roam through the world of the living for the day, so marriage was not permitted on those three days, and the conduct of battles or business was not considered to be advisable.

In our political system election day periodically falls on November 8, so it might be instructive to ask which Presidents were elected on a day that (to the Romans, at least) the Gate of Hell was open. They were (in order):

  • Abraham Lincoln (first term)
  • Grover Cleveland
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt (first term)
  • John F. Kennedy
  • George Herbert Walker Bush
  • Donald J. Trump

In addition, there was one President who was born on October 5: Chester A. Arthur

It’s interesting that the list includes our two most beloved martyrs (Lincoln and Kennedy) and one of the most reviled presidents (Trump), but bad things happen if you conduct business while the Gate of Hell is open.

Original post -

What makes this all very interesting is that Trump is back in the frame, and this time we seem to be on the doorstep of the End Times. What role, if any, will Trump play in the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy?

Some people say that Trump must be blessed, since G-d saved him from an assassin's bullet. I would certainly like to believe that, but there are other possible explanations. For example, there is this passage about Satan's temptation of Christ (Luke 4:5-7 KJV):

And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

If Satan was being truthful, and the glory of earthly kingdoms really is his to bestow as he pleases, perhaps it is HE who is protecting Trump. I cannot say for certain, but it's a possibility.

There is also the implication of this passage (Revelation 17:11 KJV):

And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

This verse is usually associated with the Antichrist. Since Trump is the eighth US president elected or born on a day when the Gate of Hell was open, and is "of the seven", this makes him a candidate to fulfill that role.

It all depends on what happens next. We the People soon will vote to select the next president, but is that what will happen ... or does G-d or Satan actually make the choice for us?

Stay tuned, as they say. Someone will replace Biden, and whoever is chosen will either start World War III, or prevent it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Why The Dems May Win

Who will be our next President? It may very well be the Dem candidate. Why?

Trump is being portrayed as having only two big issues - MAGA, and punish the people who wronged him. Been there, done that.

Dems, on the other hand, now control the narrative. It will be all about them between now and the election.

They're supported by the Deep State, all the big corporations, most of the MSM, most of the NGOs, and all the intel agencies.

Sadly, Trump is still playing checkers, while the Dems have been playing chess (and winning) for quite some time.

We are SO screwed.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

About The IT Outage

You've by now probably heard of the global IT outage involving Microsoft and CrowdStrike. Here are some things they neglected to include in the narrative.

Forty years ago, I was the chief engineer of an SSBN (nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine). I'm certain much has changed since then, but the basics remain the same.

One of the basics is that authorized weapon launch orders have to be securely and reliably sent and received, while bogus orders MUST be prevented. I have no idea how that is done these days, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Over the past several years I have seen reports in the MSM concerning the fact Microsoft software is used on our nuclear subs. Perhaps it's used in the weapon control and communication systems. I have no specific knowledge of that, but it's certainly a possibility.

Now ... if it's so easy for a simple "error" like the one which just occurred to take down Windows 10 systems globally, who's to say that an ACTUAL attack couldn't do the same thing, or worse? And who's to say that any impacts on our military of the recent outage haven't already filtered back to our enemies?

As for CrowdStrike, I have no specific knowledge whether they're telling us the truth about this event, but their response to the DNC server "hack" makes me wonder. They claimed it was a hack, and the FBI apparently took their word for it. Bill Binney and several other IT professionals, on the other hand, said it was NOT a hack and suspected the information was transferred via a thumb drive directly connected to the server. Was this difference of opinion ever resolved?

We may never know exactly what caused the recent IT outage. But let's all hope and pray that whoever is responsible for this mess and the people who have oversight responsibilities find the root causes and fix them.

Nuclear weapons and the systems associated with them require the utmost care. Any carelessness CANNOT be tolerated.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Just A Thought

Truth is a bit like obscenity: you know it when you see it; and it often has a similar effect.

Monday, July 15, 2024

SCOTUS Confusion

I firmly believe SCOTUS has completely bungled the POTUS immunity ruling, and opinions like this one are ridiculous:

Why? Because of this requirement in the US Constitution, which I have mentioned before:

Article II, Section 3:

... he [the President] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed ...

To me, this means that anything he does which is NOT legal or constitutional CANNOT be considered an official act. He cannot make up laws, nor can he ignore the ones which already are on the books.

To those who may claim it's too hard to keep track of all our laws, I say BS. It would be a relatively simple matter to keep track of them all in the cloud and to analyze potential presidential acts to verify their legal status prior to acting. A set of pre-authorized situations (e.g., taking the nation to war) could be analyzed to allow quick action in emergency situations.

No US President can or should be a dictator, but in my opinion Biden sure seems to be acting like one.

And by the way, it's OUR Constitution [We the People]. Courts and lawyers are there to advise us, but WE are the ones who decide what it means.

At least that's my two cents.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dear Child

Here is an insightful look at what Israel and the US are doing in Gaza:

If this does not bother you, there is something seriously wrong.

Lithium - Is It Worth The Trouble ???

Here is a good explanation of what the lithium industry does to a country:

And, as always, the West is willing to destroy entire countries to get what it wants:

I would argue that those of you who are the end users (owners of EVs, home storage batteries, etc.) really don't benefit. Everything costs more (a LOT more), doesn't last as long, and is a pain in the ass to maintain and repair.

All because of the non-provable theory of climate change.

Are you happy now?

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Another First Strike Warning

Here is a report about something "our" government has been doing:

US strategic nuclear forces are on heightened nuclear alert. A US Navy ballistic missile submarine USS Ohio surfaced in the Norwegian Sea, accompanied by the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy, while the so-called EA-6B Mercury "apocalypse plane" flew in the air along with the maritime patrol aircraft P- 8A Poseidon.

The "Apocalypse Plane" broadcast an Emergency Action Message (EMA) to the ballistic missile submarine. The EAM is a coded message transmitted via a VLF antenna on an SSBN for a specific action.

US forces conducted a simulated nuclear first strike against Russia, a breath away from Russian borders. The operation lasted five hours.

Source - [translation from Greek to English required]

I get the impression many believe this sends a 'warning' which will make Russia think twice about ever starting a nuclear war.

In my opinion, it does the exact opposite. Actions like this and others (such as destroying their early warning radars), make it extremely likely the Russians will think we may conduct a first strike. They have said all along this is one of the existential threats which would compel THEM to launch first.

US/UK/Western leaders are NUTS to do such things.

Pray hard, for without divine intervention I'd say we don't have a snowball's chance in hell of avoiding nuclear war.

War ... What Is It Good For ???

"The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labour. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent."

George Orwell, 1984: part 2, chapter 9

This is similar to what President Eisenhower said in his 'Cross of Iron' speech:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone.

It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.

The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities.

It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population.

It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway.

We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat.

We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.

This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking.

This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."

Source -

Whether it be the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the War on Terror, the Afghanistan War, the Ukraine War, the Gaza War, or other wars yet to come, the US has chosen to keep us hanging on that cross of iron.

Why? Is this what YOU voted for?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

You Can Go Your Own Way

Here is a noteworthy news report:

If what it says is correct, it represents one of the dumbest things "Joe Biden" and his gang of thugs have ever done.

But just wait, they're not done yet. I doubt they'll be happy until they've started a nuclear war.

And you want to give them four more years? Sheesh !!!

Mother Of Harlots 2024

Here is something which happened recently on "Liberty Island" in New York Harbor:

This reminds me of some verses from Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation:

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

There is the image, and there is the fire. And isn't the US killing everyone who refuses to worship the image?

A Logo For AI

Apparently the AI community is seeking a logo. You can read about it here:

I think this one would be perfect. Don't you?

Should you disagree, consider how AI is now being used in Gaza. The technology being perfected there soon will be coming to a town near you. Why else would the US be pouring so much money into the conflict?

By the way, here is a related discussion:

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Teach Your Children

If your children really love this song, you need to find out why:

Knowing why will tell you a lot about them, you, and the world in which we now live.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Notable Suicide

According to the report linked below, the psychiatrist of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has committed suicide. Here is one of the things he is alleged to have said about his patient:

"Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles."

You can find the report here:

I urge you to read the entire report, and then ask yourself this question:

If what it says is true, why are we supporting this man and the actions of his government; and why is he invited to address "our" Congress as if he's some sort of Messiah?

Friday, June 7, 2024

Christian Fascists ???

Chris Hedges seems to be fixated on what he and others call "Christian fascists". He recently made the following observation about one of his former teachers:

"And I remember him saying to me, when you’re my age, you’ll all be fighting the Christian fascists, which seemed rather far-fetched, as brilliant as he was at the time, but he was right."

Source -

I don't know about you, but my reading of the Gospels and the Book of Revelation leads me to believe that "Christian fascists" is exactly what we're going to get ... and they'll all be working on the side of the Lord.

Yes, there will be puppy dogs, rainbows, and the playing of harps, but not before there's fire, brimstone, weeping, gnashing of teeth, and ruling with a rod of iron.

How does that NOT sound like "fascism", at least in the context of how most people understand that word? And the people who are and who will practice it are not "ideologically" motivated, they are SCRIPTURALLY MOTIVATED.

He must be reading a different Bible than the one I have.

US First Strike ???

Here are two explanations of one of the worst things "Joe Biden" has been up to:

I doubt Ukraine did this on their own, and I also doubt "Joe Biden" knows what's going on. If he does, he's crazier than most people think.

I believe TPTB would love to carry out a first strike against Russia, but they would MUCH prefer for the Russians to make the first move.

Much like Pearl Harbor or 9/11, both of which had our slimy hands all over them.

Only this time, it won't be millions dying ... it'll be BILLIONS.

Even THINKING about such a thing should be grounds for impeachment. But somehow most of the persons in "our" Congress seem to be behind it. Sheesh !!!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Thick As A Brick

 Here is another pie-in-the sky article about green-ism:

It may give the impression the bricks somehow CREATE carbon-free energy, but they do not. They merely convert energy from other sources, as acknowledged in this sentence:

"It’s believed thermal batteries (bricks) powered-up by renewable energy could reduce one-half of industry emissions."

Ah, the Devil is always in the details. Sadly, there is nowhere near enough "renewable energy" to power all the industrial processes, EVs, and devices currently running on "dirty" energy.

And I doubt there ever will be. Certainly not in my lifetime.